Sucker Punch (First Fangs Club #3) - Kristen Painter Page 0,42

putting it back. Can I wear it on my hip instead?”

“If you’d feel more comfortable with that, sure. All that matters when wearing a sword is your ability to access it easily.” She undid the buckle, dropped the strap around Donna’s waist, did a few more modifications, then stepped back. “Try it again.”

The strap sat low on Donna’s hips, out of the way of her arms and just under the hem of the coat. She grabbed the hilt and pulled. She liked the soft metallic hiss that sang out as it came free. Then she grabbed the top of the scabbard and easily guided the sword home again. “Much better. That’s how I’m wearing it.”

“Good thing we tested that out. We can run a second strap through the scabbard and around your thigh if you’d like.”

“That might not be a bad idea. If I have to run, I don’t want the sword swinging all over the place.”

Charlie made the adjustment with another strap from the armory, then stepped away and put her hands on her hips. “How’s that feel?”


“Then you’re all set for the raid.”

Sweat dripped down Donna’s back and trickled between her cleavage, soaking her T-shirt. Apparently, even though she’d fed, the drug-induced hot flashes weren’t going away. “Except for the toxins still in my system.” She started unzipping the coat. “I’m about three seconds away from taking everything off. These hot flashes might actually be getting worse. Didn’t the Amazons go into battle naked? I might try that.”

Charlie moved in to help unbuckle the scabbard. “Governor, it’s snowing out and in the low twenties. Not sure naked is the right move. Although the distraction factor would be epic.”

“The weather sounds like perfection right now.” As soon as Charlie took the sword off, Donna shucked the coat. She pulled her wet T-shirt away from her body and flapped it to get some air flow. “I can’t fight like this. The moment I exert any energy, my temperature shoots up, and I feel like I’m being cooked alive.” She sighed. “I guess that’s what the fae intended. I swear I’m going to end as many of them as I can.” She waved the bottom of her T-shirt back and forth a little faster. “If I don’t melt before the raid begins. I’m going to stand on the balcony and take advantage of the natural air-conditioning. Just in case you need me.”

“Don’t freeze to death.”

“Unlikely.” Donna almost ran to the sliding doors in her bedroom. She wrenched them open and stepped out into the cold, closing her eyes as she inhaled the crisp air. For a moment, it didn’t seem like even that was going to work, but at last, she cooled off enough to feel like she was going to make it.

Opening her eyes, she went to the railing. The snow wasn’t heavy, but it was drifting down in big, fat flakes that were accumulating. She wasn’t sure if that would help or hurt their chances during the raid. Maybe the fae secretly hated snow or cold, though that was unlikely since they’d put their headquarters in a state that got plenty of the white stuff.

She held her hand out, catching a few of the flakes. They lasted only a second on her warm skin. She took one more deep breath, then went back inside.


“In here, Charlie.”

Her admin came in. “Jerabeth is back. With company.”

“You mean Reggie Ferris?”

“I mean all of the Ferrises. Will, Regina, Harper, and Daisy. They’re in the living room. They want to join the raid.”

Donna glanced down at her sweat-damp T-shirt, leggings, and boot-slippers. “Why do people always show up when I look like I just got done cleaning the house? Let me change, and I’ll be right out.”

Charlie nodded. “I can make small talk like nobody’s business.”

“Thank you.” Donna wished she had time to shower, but that would be rude. She undressed, gave herself a quick cleanup with a washcloth, and went with dark jeans, a dark patterned blouse, and fresh deodorant. After slipping her feet into a pair of flats, she stuck some earrings on, too, just to jazz things up.

Finally, she walked out to greet her guests. “Welcome to the governor’s penthouse.”

Jerabeth grinned broadly. “Governor, please meet the Ferrises. When I told them what was going on, they all immediately wanted to help.”

William Ferris stepped forward, hand out. “Ma’am, I’m Will Ferris. Pleased to meet you.”

He was exactly as Charlie had described him. A hot, muscular Santa in biker’s gear of jeans, a Copyright 2016 - 2024