Sucker Punch (First Fangs Club #3) - Kristen Painter Page 0,36

fangs fully extended, and leaned in. She put her mouth on his wonderfully warm skin and scraped her fangs over his throat, instinctually finding the right spot on the vein. Then she sank her teeth in.

There was resistance she didn’t expect. But a second later, she broke through.

He let out a small sound, not exactly one of pain.

She was vaguely aware of his hands taking hold of her legs just above her knees and his fingers digging in, but she was lost to the moment. Kace’s blood was very different than Pierce’s. She could taste the power in it. Taste that he was something more than human. It wasn’t as sweet and easy as Pierce’s, though.

It was as different as cold spring water was from dark beer.

Then, just like with Yuri, something murky rose up inside her. Something primal and deep. The drugs twisted it into a hunger that felt unquenchable. It frightened her. Made her feel like if that something decided to drain Kace, he wouldn’t stand a chance.

She wasn’t going to let that happen, though. She might be young, but she wasn’t exactly a newbie either. She knew more than when she’d first bitten Yuri. She dug into her small reserve of self-control and forced the darkness down.

For a second, she was sure she’d won.

Then something new surfaced within her. Desire that had nothing to do with blood and everything to do with the man beneath her.

Time spiraled into a meaningless concept. His pulse filled her head like she was listening to her own heartbeat. The rhythm became part of her. She drank to appease her thirst, while hoping she could take enough to shut down the fresh desire that had arisen.

Abandon danced at the edge of her senses. A kind of wildness that whispered, Take it all.

She shoved it away, refusing to give in.

Images filled her brain. Flashes that went by in an instant. Kace in military gear. An explosion. Blood. Bodies. Smoke and shrapnel. An overwhelming sense of loss and pain and grief.

The images vanished as quickly as they’d arrived, and as they left, so did her hunger. It just vanished. Gratefully. Her fangs receded about halfway, and she sat back, a little dazed with the kind of blissful well-being that usually followed a great day at the spa.

Warmth spread through her. The happy kind, not the unbearable kind she’d been feeling all day that made her want to stand under a cold shower.

She leaned in toward him again, this time to run her tongue over the two puncture wounds, healing them like she did with Pierce.

Kace’s eyes were closed, his head resting on the back of the couch. “What was that for?”

“To mend the punctures.” He was truly gorgeous. “How do you feel?”

The lopsided grin returned. “Like I just woke up on a lazy Sunday morning and know that I can lounge in bed for as long as I want.”

She wiped the corners of her mouth just in case she hadn’t been as neat as she’d intended. “That sounds like a good thing.”

He opened his eyes, straightening his head. “It is. I feel totally relaxed. I didn’t count on that. I thought it would hurt more, but it didn’t really hurt at all. How do you feel?”

“Good. Better. More in control of what’s going on inside me.” She started to move off his lap to sit beside him, but he caught her by the arms and pulled her in, kissing her on the mouth.

She was too blissed out to resist. Not that she wanted to. She kissed him back, careful not to graze him with her fangs.

The kiss ended a second later, and she sat back. “What was that for?”

“Because I wanted to. Since I saw you in the pool.”

She smiled, unable to help herself, and got off his lap to settle in beside him.

He glanced over. “No comment, but you’re smiling. I’ll take it.”

“Thanks for letting me do what I just did. I really needed that.”

“You can do that whenever you need to.”

“Good to know. Especially because I may need to again if these drugs stay in my system much longer.”

A moment of silence passed. “Why did the fae drug you? Seems like a pretty directed move without motivation.”

“Because…” There was no reason not to tell him that she could think of, so she explained what was going on. From Rixaline to Rico, she laid the whole thing out. “They’re just awful creatures.”

“They’re afraid of you.”

With a skeptical look, she turned her head to Copyright 2016 - 2024