Sucker Punch (First Fangs Club #3) - Kristen Painter Page 0,31

You make it sound as though it’s going to be a walk in the park. You understand it won’t be, correct?”

Did Artemis know the stronghold was in Central Park, or was she just using that expression? “Not only do I understand it, I expect it’ll be one of the hardest, most dangerous things I’ve ever done. And I’m saying that as a woman who spent twenty-seven years married to a high-ranking mobster. I have no illusions about what we’re going to face.”

“Good. But you said ‘we’re.’ You already have a team, then?”

“It’s being assembled.” If Artemis thought she was going to get names—

“Do you need another member?”

There was no fast answer as Donna processed the question. After a moment, she found the right words. “Are you asking to join us?”

Artemis laughed. “Is that so hard to believe? There is no vampire with any love toward the fae.”

“I would be honored to have you with us.” Except Artemis wasn’t sun-proof, and that would be a problem. In a couple of ways.

“I feel as though I’m waiting for a but, Governor. Do you have an issue with me accompanying you?”

“No, not at all.” Though a few other members of the team might not be so keen on the vampire queen going with them. “It’s just that the raid is planned for the morning. When the fae would be asleep.”

“Smart. But not easy. How are you going to protect yourself from the sun for that long?”

Donna thought fast. “The gardener who takes care of the rooftop greenhouse is an elemental witch. Jerabeth Smalls?”

“Yes, I know her. And?”

“I’m hoping she can come up with something to give me a few hours of protection.” Donna cringed. It was a good on-the-fly answer, but if Artemis wanted some of whatever that fake magical special sauce was, the jig would be up. No sense in avoiding that possibility. “I suppose you’ll be wanting some of that, too, if you’re going to join us?”

Artemis laughed. “No, I’ll be fine. At my age, a few hours of sun have very little effect.”

“Really? Good to know that awaits me.”

A snort answered her. “You have a long wait. I am ancient, Governor.”

“Understood. You look fabulous, though.” It was true. Artemis’s skin practically glowed.

“Thank you. When in the morning is this raid taking place?”

“Dawn. If everything comes together.” Maybe that was too soon, and Artemis wouldn’t be able to arrive in time. Donna had no idea where she’d be coming from. Then another thought occurred to Donna. “Ma’am, with all due respect, is this really a good idea? I have no doubt you’d be a valuable asset, but the fae are formidable. What if something goes wrong? Once the fae realize you’re with us, they could make you their target. Your presence could start a war.”

“No vampire lives forever, Governor. I’m aware of the risks. But I’ve waited for a day like this when the fae would finally give us good reason to attack.”

“I can understand that. But the focus of our raid really is to get the agent free. Although, if Dredward or any of the fae end up as casualties, then so be it. A number of wolves from the New Jersey pack will be with us. Rico Medina, the agent who was taken is—”

“Medina? As in Louisa Valentina Medina, the pack alpha? Will she be with you?”

“Yes, ma’am. She’s Rico’s grandmother. And Maria Antonella, the alpha-elect, is his mother. To say those two women are unhappy with the fae right now would be an understatement.”

“I’m sure.” Artemis’s tone had gone icy. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to attend or not. I wish you well, Governor. Stay safe.”

The line went dead.

Donna blinked and looked at the phone. What had just happened? There was no way Artemis was afraid of the werewolves, so what was it? Bad blood between her and LV or Toni? What could have caused that? Donna had always been under the impression that vampires as a whole were friendly with werewolves, especially considering the attraction that seemed to happen naturally.

Weird. But she didn’t have the time or the energy to give it two more seconds. She thought about checking in at the salon to see what progress had been made, but she didn’t think Jerabeth or Dr. Fox would want anyone breathing over their shoulder. Wouldn’t help the process go any faster either.

Instead, she went to the kitchen and raided the pantry for something sweet. Whatever drugs the fae had gotten into her system, they Copyright 2016 - 2024