Sucker Punch (First Fangs Club #3) - Kristen Painter Page 0,25

was to be included.”

“Why would someone do that?”

“Probably to make the flower delivery look less suspicious. If those flowers had come without a card, I definitely would have wondered about them. Probably would have questioned security about who delivered them. Instead, I assumed the shop forgot to sign the card, and then I brought them into the penthouse and told you about them without a second thought.”

“So the blank card got them through the door. That was a smart move.”

“It was.” She frowned. “How are you feeling, by the way?”

“Pretty much fine, except it seems all of my emotions have been cranked up to eleven. I got weepy in the elevator on the way down to the pool, then I had flashbacks of my childhood just because of the smell of chlorine, then I…may have flirted with a very handsome man who came to swim.” Donna pinched the bridge of her nose. “Calling him a man makes it sound okay, but I’m pretty sure he was half my age. Mary and Joseph, he was hot.”

Charlie snorted. “Did you get a name?”

“Kace. He’s a gargoyle. Lives two floors above the pool.” Donna groaned as she continued to pinch the bridge of her nose and hide behind her hand. “I winked at him, Charlie. Winked.”

A little laugh answered her. “He’s not half your age. He’s thirty-seven, and he is definitely hot.”

Donna looked up. “Single?” She squeezed her eyes shut. “Don’t answer that. I don’t care.” Except she did. Or at least the drugs were making her think she did.

“As far as I know, yes. But look, we need to get you tested. If this is some trick by the fae, which we suspect it is, then we need to find an antidote.”

“How would drugging me like this benefit them? Do they think if I’m super emotional that I’ll suddenly give in to their demands?”

“Maybe. Or maybe they’re anticipating your rescue attempt and think this will throw you off your game.”

“It could. I can’t trust my reactions right now.”

Rixaline left her movie to join them. “There’s a third possibility.”

Donna looked at her, eager for any insight the girl might have. “What’s that?”

“I’m guessing you didn’t respond to the video they sent?”

“No,” Donna said. “I haven’t.”

“I’m sure King Dredward didn’t like that. He’s used to people asking how high when he says jump. If the fae did drug you with those flowers, it could be because…well…” She chewed on one of her fingernails.

“Just say it. You’re not going to get into trouble. You know that.”

Rixaline nodded. “It just that…they might have used something very poisonous. Something deadly. And they might not give you the antidote until you turn me over.” She sniffed. “I don’t want you to be sick.”

Donna gave the girl a reassuring smile. “They aren’t the only ones with smart people on their side. We have Jerabeth. She’ll figure it out. I’m certainly not going to give you to them, even if they’re trying to make me sick.”

“But what if she can’t figure it out? What if getting the cure from the fae is the only solution?”

Donna reached out and grabbed her hand. “Hey, you don’t have to worry about me. There’s only going to be one winner in this battle. And it’s not going to be King Dredward. You have my word on that. Now, you just go watch your show, and don’t worry about it, okay?”

“Okay.” Rixaline went back to the living room, where she picked Lucky up and cradled him against her chest.

Donna softened her voice as she spoke to her admin, despite the intense anger welling up inside her. “I’m going to burn that stronghold to the ground. The fae are a menace. They deserve to be eradicated. I hope I get to kill Dredward myself.”

Charlie’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t know if that’s you, or you on drugs.”

Donna blew out a breath. “If the rage I’m feeling is any indication, it’s the drugs. I mean, it’s me, too, but this anger is deep. I swear I could put my fist through the wall without a second thought. It has to be the drugs. I don’t have a temper this bad.” It was getting worse too. She could feel how easy it would be to go on a rampage.

Or ride down to the fourth floor and start knocking on doors until she found Kace and used him to burn off a very different kind of energy. She swallowed as her face heated up. “I’m going to need a way Copyright 2016 - 2024