Such Great Heights - Sydney Logan Page 0,39

cares for her young.

“She’s a good mommy,” he says quietly.

“How do you know that?” Jackson asks.

“Because she stays right there. She doesn’t leave him.”

Tears fill my eyes as Ryder climbs into my lap. The little boy rests his head against my chest, and I hug him close. Jackson wraps his arms around both of us, and we sit in silence as we watch the mama tiger bathe her cub. The surrounding kids grow bored and move on to the next exhibit, but not us. We’re content to sit there, wrapped in each other’s arms, watching the tigers nap in the grass.

Finally, Jackson’s voice interrupts the solace.

“Ryder, I need to tell you something.”

I stiffen. We talked about this, but I don’t know if I’m ready. Ryder, not knowing what’s to come, bravely turns around in my lap and gazes expectantly at his father.

“Ryder, your mom wants to come see you.”

He frowns. “Why?”

“Because she misses you.”

“But she left.”

“I know.”

“Is she coming back?”

Jackson shakes his head.

“She’s just coming to visit. She’s not coming back to stay.”

“Oh. When?”

“In a few days. Is that okay?”

Ryder tilts his head and looks at me.

“Will you be there, ‘Livia?”

“If you want me to be.”

“And Daddy?”

“Yes,” Jackson says softly. “And Hazel.”

Ryder nods thoughtfully.


Ryder buries his head against my chest once again, snuggling close.

“Love you, ‘Livia.”

“I love you, too, buddy.”

Sighing deeply, Jackson kisses the side of my neck and holds us close as we watch the tiger nuzzle her baby as it sleeps. The mother never closes her eyes. She simply rests, staying alert to her surroundings and keeping her eyes open at all times as she protects her cub.

I press my lips against my own cub’s hair and kiss the top of his head. His soft snore fills the air. Jackson’s quiet sigh tickles my ear.

“What?” I whisper, not wanting to wake the sleeping boy in my arms.

“Just thinking.”


“About how much I love watching you with my son,” he says, nuzzling my hair. “Seriously, Olivia, where have you been all my life?”

The sweet sentiment flows through me, warming me and filling me with so much joy I can barely breathe. I don’t know how I’m going to handle meeting Natasha. And I really don’t know how I’m going to stop myself from slapping the crap out of her.

Then I look at the little boy sleeping peacefully in my arms, and I have my answer.

I can do it.

For him.

“Don’t be nervous,” Jackson says, joining me on the living room couch. He offers me a glass. “Here. Drink this.”

“I’m not nervous. And I’m not drinking.”

I’m truly not anxious. I’m determined, for Ryder’s sake, to have a civil conversation with his mother. No matter how much I want to strangle her.

“Trust me. You’re getting ready to meet my wife. You need a drink.”

“I’m fine. And I still think you should make yourself scarce.”

“Absolutely not. Do you seriously think I’m leaving you alone with her?”

Rolling my eyes, I fiddle with the baby monitor before placing it on the end table. I’m so tired of this conversation. We’ve been arguing for hours.

“You don’t think I can take care of myself?”

“I have no doubt. I just refuse to let you fight this battle alone,” he says, leaning and kissing my forehead. “It’s you and me.”

“And me!” Marcus bellows as he walks into the room.

He and Jackson had spent most of the morning in the study, discussing strategy for the divorce proceedings, while Hazel had taken Ryder to school. The peace and quiet had given me the chance to relax and focus.

I know the judge is right—it’s best for the two of us to get this first meeting out of the way before her visitation with Ryder on Wednesday. I wouldn’t want any tension between the two of us to spoil Ryder’s time with his mom.

Today is an important day. I truly want it to go well.

For Ryder’s sake.

Needing something to do with my hands, I check my phone. There’s a text from Dana and a voicemail from another unknown number. That’s been happening a lot lately.

Stupid scammers.

I don’t even bother listening to the message before deleting it.

Just then, the doorbell rings. Marcus closes his laptop and grins mischievously at me. Jackson chuckles and shakes his head. They can’t fool me. Both of them are secretly hoping for a catfight.

“Are we ready?” Marcus asks, leaping to his feet like a kid at Christmas.

“I’m ready.”

And I am.

Marcus heads to the door, while Jackson takes my hand. As we stand there, ready to greet this horrible woman, I Copyright 2016 - 2024