Succubus Dreams Page 0,34


I sighed. "This is supposed to be a charity event, and people are treating it like a freak show. Hugh already accused me of ruining it by bringing Maddie."

Seth looked surprised. "Why? She looks great."

I pointed her out to Peter and Cody, who also concurred about her cuteness. "She'll be fine," said Cody. "Tawny's going to be the one to watch. I haven't really been able to see what she's wearing. I hope it's up to her usual standards."

"Maybe her Secret Santa will get her some nicer clothes," said Peter. He glanced at me. "You bought for yours yet?"

"Huh?" Right. Carter. I'd completely forgotten. Buying something for that cynical angel hadn't exactly been at the top of my priority list. "I, um, have some ideas. Still thinking about it."

"What about a Christmas tree? You got one of those?"

"Um, haven't done that either."

"I didn't know you wanted a Christmas tree," said Seth. "Do you need help picking one out?"

"Well, I don - "

The auction started, cutting me off. The auctioneer, Nick, was a young guy in his early thirties who probably had a second job doing minor modeling contracts that would never actually get him out of Seattle. He smiled non-stop and did a good job flirting with the women and making guy-jokes to the men. Bids flew fast and furious, and it was easy to get caught up in the excitement.

"Next up," said the auctioneer, reading from a card, "is Tawny Johnson."

"Johnson?" asked Cody. "Kind of boring."

"She made up both her names," I said. Succubi often did. "She probably didn't have any mental energy left after choosing the first one."

"Ouch," said Seth. "Who's being mean now?"

"You haven't met her," I warned.

Tawny pranced up, wearing seven-inch high-heeled shoes that appeared to be made out of stainless steel. They looked like medieval torture devices but matched her super-tight, silver lamé hot pants and jacket.

"She didn't disappoint," said Cody, studying the outfit.

Unsurprisingly, she stumbled the last couple of steps, and Nick reached out to steady her.

"Careful there," he said, flashing his brilliant white teeth. "Men are supposed to fall all over you."

It took her a moment to get the joke, and then she burst into small, high-pitched giggles. The noise grated on my nerves, but Nick seemed quite pleased to have someone appreciate his jokes.

"Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself, Tawny," he said. "It says here you're currently unemployed. Does that mean you're out looking for something right now?"

"Well, Nick, I'm out looking for someone right now - if you know what I mean."

"Oh my God," I said.

"That was kind of funny," Peter noted.

"No, it wasn't."

Nick apparently agreed with Peter. He threw back his head and laughed. "Careful there, guys...we got a dangerous one on our hands. Tell me, Tawny, what is it you're looking for in a man?"

She pursed her red-lacquered lips in deep thought. "I'm looking for heart, Nick. Heart and soul. Those are the most important things."

There was a collective "aww" from the audience. Beside me, Peter said, "Okay, the soul thing really was funny. Only to us, of course, but still."

Tawny then winked at the crowd. "But stamina and a big checkbook can make up for that sometimes."

Nick waited for the audience's laughter to fade. "Okay, let's start the bidding at fifty - oh my God."

Tawny had taken off her jacket, revealing a zebra-print bandeau top underneath. 'Top' was a dubious term at best, though. When wrapped around her enormous bust, it looked more like a rubber band and really only served to cover her nipples.

Bids exploded from the audience, much to the astonishment of my friends and me. More surprising still was when Nick the auctioneer actually joined in.

"Folks, I know this is a bit unusual...but, well, I just can't help myself. Three-hundred dollars."



In the end, Nick was the one who ended up winning her, paying a startling five-fifty.

"Well, I'll be damned," said Peter.

I would have made a joke about his comment if I wasn't so shocked. When I finally found my voice, it was to say, "Well...this is a good thing, right? That guy looks like he'd sleep with her right now."

"And," added Cody, "it was all for the kids."

Slowly, my astonishment faded into relief. This was an unexpected twist to the evening. The Tawny problem was fixed. Apparently, all we'd needed to do was essentially run an ad for her. She'd sleep with him, and Niphon would get off my back. One less thing for me to worry about - which was Copyright 2016 - 2024