Succubus Dreams Page 0,12

about to cool down." A sudden look of realization crossed his face. "You don't sleep with him, do you? You've got some sort of noble sense of duty about absorbing his life. That poor, poor man." Niphon laughed. "Oh, Letha. You are one of the most fascinating creatures I've ever come across."

I turned my back on him and stormed up to Seth. "Come on, we're leaving."

"Who was that?" he asked as we walked away.

"He's an imp. And an asshole."

Even almost a block away, I could still just barely catch Niphon's taunting laughter. I tried to ignore it as Seth and I walked to his car. Listening to my friends tease me about Seth was annoying enough. From Niphon, it was unbearable. Fortunately, I calmed down by the time Seth and I got on the road. I instead focused on seeing Erik and hopefully getting my mystery solved.

Erik ran a store up in Lake City called Arcana, Ltd. Unfortunately placed in a strip mall, it nonetheless possessed a warm, cozy feel. Dim lighting shed a tranquil air, and the bubbling of small fountains mingled with the soft sounds of a CD player emitting harp music. Books, jewelry, candles, and statuary cluttered up every inch of free space. The sweet scent of nag champa hung in the air.

"Neat," said Seth, peering around as we entered.

Erik glanced up from where he was kneeling behind a stack of books. He'd grown a mustache since last I saw him, and I liked the way the gray hair stood out against his dark brown skin. A gentle smile bloomed on his face.

"Miss Kincaid, what an unexpected pleasure. And you have a friend." He rose and walked to us, extending his hand toward Seth.

"Erik, this is Seth Mortensen. Seth, Erik."

They shook. "A pleasure, Mr. Mortensen. You keep good company."

"Yes," said Seth, smiling in return. "I do."

"If we're lucky," I said silkily, "Erik will have time for tea. He only serves decaf, so that should make you happy."

"Of course I have time," said Erik. "I doubt there's any man who doesn't have time for you, Miss Kincaid."

I shot Seth a teasing look when Erik left to put the tea on. "Ah, now there's someone who appreciates me. You wouldn't see him shirking me for a book."

"If memory serves, you worship those books. Besides, how else am I supposed to keep you in the lifestyle you're accustomed to?"

"If memory serves, I paid the last time we went out."

"Well, yeah. I was just letting you play liberated so that you and Maddie wouldn't go vandalize my car."

When our tea party commenced around Erik's small corner table, I was surprised to hear Seth engage Erik in conversation on what it meant to be a mortal among immortals. Seth wasn't usually so forthcoming, and I wondered just how much immortal weirdness troubled him.

"It puts my sense of time awry," remarked Erik. "I see people like Miss Kincaid who stay young and beautiful forever. It makes me feel as though no time has passed. Then I look at myself and see the new wrinkles. I feel the aches in my bones. I realize I will be left behind...they will go on and continue to shape the world without me." He sighed, more with bemusement than sadness. "I wish I could see what will happen next."

"Yes," Seth said, surprising me. His eyes looked dark and solemn. "I know what you mean."

I glanced over at him, seeing something I'd never noticed before. I knew he must think about the future and his own death - all mortals did - but only now did I realize how much he really thought about those things. Looking at both men, I remembered they would eventually die, and it made something in my chest grow cold. For the space of a heartbeat, I could almost see Seth as wrinkled and gray-haired as Erik.

"Morbid much, you guys?" I asked, trying to affect a blasé air. "I didn't come here to bring everyone down. I've got to pick Erik's brain."

"Pick away," he said.

" know how I need, uh, life and energy to survive, right?" An idiotic statement. Of course he knew. "Yesterday morning, I woke up, and my entire stash was gone."

Erik considered. "That's normal, isn't it? It fades over time."

"Not this quickly. Especially since..." I stopped, suddenly realizing having Seth here might not have been so wise after all. "I, um, had just gotten a refill the night before."

Both men kept neutral expressions. "And you did nothing out of the Copyright 2016 - 2024