Succubus Dreams Page 0,108

this much trouble over something, the evidence suggests it's big.

My heart raced, and I grabbed hold of her hand. "Tawny. Did he ever say anything about my contract? Any contract at all?"

She shook her head frantically, tousling her blond curls even more than they already were. "No, not while I was around."

"Are you sure? Think! Think of anything, anything at all he might have said to explain why he did what he did."

"No, nothing!" She broke her hand away. "I'm telling you the truth this time. He just made it sound as though...well, like he didn't like you. He wanted you to be unhappy. Suffer. I don't know."

Niphon. So many things could be laid at his feet.

According to Tawny, he'd used her to make me look like a bad mentor (which I was, kind of) and possibly get sent away. The imp had also talked to Seth about selling his soul - despite my warnings. Seth's decision to leave me had been his own, true. But, I realized, Niphon had played a role in getting Seth to think about such things. The distraction Nyx had caused - which apparently Niphon had brought about too - had cut me off from spending time with Seth. Realizing how close he'd been to selling his soul had driven Seth away. The fear of how that would affect him and me both had been too strong - strong enough that he chose to walk away from me.


I made a decision then. It wasn't going to change what had happened with Seth and me, but it was going to make me feel better.

"Georgina?" repeated Tawny, peering at me. "Are you okay? You aren't going to get me sent away, are you? Georgina?"

I rose from my chair, surprised at how my muscles had become kinked. No longer wanting to be dressed up, I shape-shifted out of the dress and into jeans and an empire cut sweater. Black. Like my mood. I glanced over at Tawny.

"You want to go to a party with me?"

I drove us over to Peter and Cody's, where the "evil" holiday party was taking place. I barely noticed that it was raining again. I walked up the building's stairs like one going to her own funeral, grim and purposeful - and with enough speed that Tawny had to scurry to keep up in her stilettos. When I felt the immortal signatures within the apartment, smug relief flooded me upon discovering Niphon was still there.

Peter opened the door before I finished knocking. He wore a red sweater with an appliqué Santa on it. It matched his tree, of course.

"Look at this," he said sarcastically. "She deigns to show up and join us lowly - "

I strode past him without a word. He gaped. Moving through the room, I was vaguely aware of the others there. Jerome. Cody. Hugh. But I didn't want any of them.

Niphon, standing with a glass of wine, regarded me with curious amusement as I headed straight for him. Considering I usually avoided him if it all possible, my approach undoubtedly astonished him.

But not as much as when I punched him.

I didn't even need to shape-shift much bulk into my fist. I'd caught him by surprise. The wineglass fell out of his hand, hitting the carpet and spilling its contents like blood. The imp flew backward, hitting Peter's china cabinet with a crash. Niphon slumped to the floor, eyes wide with shock. I kept coming. Kneeling, I grabbed his designer shirt and jerked him toward me.

"Stay the fuck out of my life, or I will destroy you," I hissed.

Terror filled his features. "Are you out of your fucking mind? What do you - " Suddenly, the fear disappeared. He started laughing. "He did it, didn't he? He broke up with you. I didn't know if he could do it, even after giving him the spiel about how it'd be better for both of you. Oh my. This is lovely. All your so-called charms weren't enough to - ahh!"

I'd pulled him closer to me, digging my nails into him, and finally, I felt an emotion. Fury. Niphon's role had been greater than I believed. My face was mere inches from his.

"Remember when you said I was nothing but a backwoods girl from some gritty fishing village? You were right. And I had to survive in gritty circumstances - in situations you'd never be able to handle. And you know what else? I spent most of my childhood gutting fish and other animals." Copyright 2016 - 2024