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know what to say."

"You'd get a salary increase, of course," she said. "And then we'd hire someone to fill your old position. You'd take over all of my duties."

I nodded. I knew what her duties were - especially since I'd done them for the last few weeks. They involved more paperwork than sociability, but certainly Paige had worked the floor plenty and interacted with others. The job still involved people, but in a different way. I'd have no peers and no one above me save Warren. It could potentially put a damper on how much I hung out with the staff after work - particularly my goofing off with Doug. The position would entail a whole new set of complications and difficulties.

On the other hand, I'd have a lot more freedom and power. Paige planned all of our signings and promotional events, much as I had the Fest. It had been fun. I could do that all the time now. I could experiment with new things. That had appeal - a lot of it. And really, the challenging aspect of it also had its appeal. It would be new and different. I'd lived for centuries, and I knew the dangers of a static lifestyle. I had enough experience and education to take on very prestigious occupations - and I had done so in the past. This time around, I'd chosen a more laid-back job; was I ready to move on now?

My decision was made, but when I saw how anxious my silence had made them, I couldn't resist a little teasing. "Would I get my own office?"

They nodded as one, still tense, thinking that was what held me back.

"Oh. Okay. Sold."

I went home that night heady with the knowledge of my new job. I would miss Paige, but the more I thought about it, the more excited I grew about being store manager. Celebration was definitely in order, so I called Hugh and the vampires, and we went out on the town. I had fun with them, but honestly, I wished I could celebrate with someone else.

The late night of drinking made me sleep in considerably the next morning. I awoke to Aubrey sprawled across my neck, dangerously close to cutting off my air, in a position only a cat could find comfortable. My clock read noon, and I lay there, warm in the blankets and wondering what I was going to do with myself. The store wasn't open. It was Thanksgiving.

My phone rang. I rolled over and grappled for it, just barely avoiding getting Aubrey's claws in my jugular.

I stared at Seth's name on the caller ID as if it had magical powers. Taking a deep breath, I answered.

"Happy birthday," I said, trying to sound cheerful and not utterly petrified.

There was a pause and then a small, surprised chuckle. I hadn't known what to expect when he and I finally resumed contact after last week's drama, but his laughter hadn't been a contender. Unless it was bitter laughter while my heart bled onto the floor and I begged for forgiveness.

"Thanks," he said, his voice sobering a little. "But, uh, I don't believe you."

"Believe me what?"

"That you want me to have a happy birthday."

"I just said I did."

There was a long silence. My anxiety grew with every passing second.

"If you wanted me to have a happy birthday, you'd come over to my party. "

"Your party," I repeated flatly.

"Yeah, remember? Andrea invited you?"

I remembered. I'd been thinking about it every day this week.

"I didn't think I was still invited." I hesitated, heart aching. "I didn't think you'd want me there."

"Well, I do. So hurry up. You're late."

We hung up, and I just sat there. Seth had called at last. And he wanted to see me. Now. What was going to happen? What should I do? I looked at Aubrey and sighed.

"Guess I should have kept that last pack of ambrosia, huh?"


Seth had chided me for being late, but with five daughters, the Mortensens were always running late. So no one, except Seth, really paid much attention to my tardiness.

Likewise, with so much chaos, no one really noticed that he and I didn't talk much. The girls spoke more than enough for all of us, and I took some comfort in their presence. As always, they couldn't get enough of me, crawling all over me and tugging at my sleeve to make sure they had my undivided attention. I enjoyed it all in a bittersweet sort of way. Convinced Seth Copyright 2016 - 2024