Submitting to the Shadow (Kindred Tales #27) - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,76

to himself. “A Severing—that’s what I should do.”

It wouldn’t dissolve the partial bond—nothing could do that. But it would formally free Samantha of him and absolve her of any need to ever speak to him again.

Just thinking about it made Roark’s heart ache. But it seemed like the right thing to do—to set the woman he had wronged so horribly free. He would still help to raise the twins, of course—if she wanted him to. If not, he would simply pay to support them.

And Samantha would never have to see him again.

“Oh please,” he muttered. “Just let her live and I’ll set her free—I swear I will. Though it will be like carving my own heart out with a knife, I’ll let her go and never see her again. Please.”

It was half prayer, half oath and as he spoke it, Roark felt a cold chill rush through his entire body. His vow, now spoken into the universe, could not be rescinded.

Suddenly, all strength left him and he had to stagger over to one of the chairs and drop into it, as his legs lost their ability to hold him up.

Bending low, he hid his face in his hands. Hot tears stung his eyes and a sense of complete hopelessness came over him.

“Samantha,” he muttered, his voice low and choked. “Oh Gods, Samantha—even if you live, I’ve lost you.”


“Don’t try to talk,” a voice said the minute Sammi opened her eyes. “Your throat was badly injured in the attack and you’re still recovering.

Attack? Sammi thought in confusion, and then everything came rushing back.

Sonny-boy, forcing her to wear the awful dress and heels…the strange, disgusting meal of cold spaghetti and clams with grape juice to wash it down…the “dancing” where he had jerked her around like a rag doll and then the way he had forced her down on the bed…

Her mind shied away from the awful memories and she closed her eyes tightly for a moment, wishing she could just go back to sleep—or back to unconsciousness, at least. But someone was stroking her hand and a familiar voice was calling her name.

Sammi opened her eyes reluctantly and saw Meg sitting there beside the bed she was lying in. Her best friend had tears in her eyes, though she tried to smile when she caught Sammi’s gaze.

“Hi there,” she murmured. “How are you feeling? No—don’t answer that,” she added quickly. “You can’t talk right now—doctor’s orders.”

Sammi put a hand to her throat and felt how tender it was. She swallowed tentatively and winced in pain. What had happened to her? The memory of Sonny-boy’s thick thumbs digging into her neck surfaced in her mind in answer to the question.

But just because she couldn’t talk, didn’t mean she didn’t have questions.

My babies? she mouthed at Meg and put a hand on her lower belly, raising her eyebrows. My babies—are they okay?

“Yes.” Meg nodded vigorously and squeezed her hand again tightly. “Yes, hon, the babies are fine. Liv says they’re developing normally and they’re both still okay.”

Thank God! Sammi felt herself sag in relief.

“I knew you’d want to know that.” Meg grinned at her. “You’re going to be okay. And you don’t have to worry about that horrible stalker anymore—Commander Roark killed him.”

Sammi widened her eyes, wanting to know more about Roark. But Meg mistook her questioning look.

“The police were looking for him in seven states—did you know that?” she asked. “His real name was Joseph Renner and he’d killed twenty-six women! The police found a photo album with pictures of all of them—and locks of their hair. They said it was like his trophy case, if you can believe that!”

Sammi could well believe that what her friend was saying was true. The memory of the way Sonny-boy had snipped off a piece of her hair as a “souvenir” was still fresh in her mind. She nodded.

“But here’s the worst part…” Meg’s eyes went even wider. She squeezed Sammi’s hand again fiercely and leaned forward. “The very first one he killed was his own mother. Isn’t that awful?”

Remembering the strange, Oedipal scenario Sonny-boy had forced her to play out with him, Sammi wasn’t a bit surprised. Still, she nodded because it was awful. Clearly she had barely escaped the jaws of death—and only because Roark had come to save her.

“The guy who helped him kidnap you is in police custody too,” Meg said, a note of satisfaction in her voice. “That stoner kid who was apparently in one of your classes. They’re getting Copyright 2016 - 2024