Studfinder (Busy Bean #5) - L.B. Dunbar Page 0,72

reach for the doorframe as if he’ll pitch forward if he doesn’t hold on to something. “I didn’t know where else to go.”

The low tenor of his tone has me reaching for his tie and tugging him forward. He stumbles into the entryway, and I close the door behind him.

“Sweet,” he whispers, but it isn’t a drunken slur or even a seductive taunt. The sound is a broken man.

“What happened?” Before I’ve even finished my question, his arms are around me, dragging me to him and pressing my body against his. His arms wrap around my back, and he holds me like he doesn’t ever want to let go. Hesitantly, my hands come to his lower back. His weight falls against me, and I can hardly hold him up.

“Let’s sit down,” I state, but Jake twists his head which lays in the crook of my neck. Gently pushing at him, I separate us enough to lead him into the front room while holding his hand. As we near the couch, Jake reaches for my waist, slipping his arms around me again. We lower as one before he tips back. My hands rest on his biceps, pressing at him to release me, but he isn’t letting go. As we flatten to the couch, my legs twist awkwardly beside his hip, dangling off the furniture while his upper body holds mine down. He scoots so his ear lands near my heart. With his arms still snug around my back, and my spine arching over them under me, I feel Jake shudder. A strange vibe rolls off him.

Slowly, I relax from the temporary fear of him and give in to the presence of his body blanketing mine. My hands slide up his arm, and my fingers massage the back of his head.

“What happened, handsome?” I ask, keeping my voice low. Skittish of his reaction, I remain still other than my racing heart and stroking fingers. Jake only shakes his head against my chest, and then I feel the tremble of his body. The definitive sound of a sob and the utter collapse of this man. His arms tighten as his face presses into my skin, and he cries.

“Oh my, honey,” I say, staying quiet and tender as I rub the back of his head and stroke my other hand over his upper back. Without additional words, I let him cry out whatever has upset him. My heart rips in half and half again, knowing whatever has broken such a strong man had to be something bad. Something very bad.

Time slows as Jake cries against me until his body relaxes. His weight turns heavy, and I assume he’s fallen asleep. Still stroking his head and rubbing up his back, I lean forward and press a kiss to the top of his head.

“I’m sorry.” His hoarse voice startles me.

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” I don’t speak louder than a whisper as if I’d disturb the remainder of the empty house.

“At the graduation. I overreacted.”

Ah, the moment where he was calling me out for thinking he wasn’t good enough. I didn’t wish to get into the altercation I’d already had with his brother, who accused me of being friends with the enemy as he called Parker. I can’t say I’d call Parker the enemy as she was only doing her job, which involved proving Jake’s guilt. However, I had to agree with Nolan a little bit. If Parker believed Jake was innocent, she should have requested an audience with the judge to discuss her suspicions.

Still, I had my own suspicions now.

“What happened tonight?” Something must have occurred after Jake left for dinner. Shifting slightly on me, I sense the dampness on my skin and the scoop neck of my nightshirt. Hardly lifting his head, Jake uses his tie to wipe at both.

“Nolan.” His voice cracks on his brother’s name, and he shivers all over again. My arms tighten around him.

“Tell me,” I quietly encourage.

“Nolan did it, Rita. He set the fires. In the warehouses. In the school.” My heart drops to my stomach. I feel sick and press at Jake’s shoulders to get a better look at him, but Jake returns his vise grip hold on my waist, keeping himself tethered to me.

“What?” My own throat clogs at the revelation. “How?”

“He didn’t want me to lose my job. He wanted a fire chief promotion. It’s exactly as the judge thought, only it wasn’t me. It was him.” There isn’t bitterness in Jake’s tone as Copyright 2016 - 2024