Studfinder (Busy Bean #5) - L.B. Dunbar Page 0,69

this. My family means everything to me. Nolan has been my number one supporter my entire life. He’s been the one person who believed in my innocence. I don’t know what Lisa’s doing here, but she’s a part of Brynne’s life, and Brynne is important to Rory. And every hit I’ve taken, I did so Rory and Nolan could stay together. I don’t need this attitude from Rita. Swiping a hand over my hair, I hiss, “Fine.”

Only, it isn’t fine that my girlfriend is ditching me on such a monumental family occasion, especially when the reason she’s leaving me is because I’m not good enough for her.

I don’t call Rita after dinner. Instead, I celebrate with my nephew, finally catching up with him after seven long years. After that first awkward dinner, he hadn’t been home again, working to complete school and study for the bar, which he’ll be taking soon. Rory has grown into such a good man, and I am so damn happy to commemorate this accomplishment with him. I was so proud of him.

Even Lisa was pleasant throughout the dinner we shared at a fancy steakhouse near the law school campus.

However, Nolan was off. He was still his mouthy self, making inappropriate jokes and being the life of the party, but something wasn’t right with him, and the beers he consumed did not help.

Eventually, Lisa drives the two of us home as we closed down the bar. I thought I’d be going home with Rita after dinner, so I hadn’t driven. I was wrong.

“You look really good,” Lisa states to me once more as we arrive at Nolan’s and my house. I’ve helped him out of the car and watched him struggle to wheel himself to the ramp, brushing off my help. “Maybe I could come in for one more drink, and we could talk.”

The invitation startles me. Lisa has exited her car, waiting on Nolan to leave us alone. “We have nothing left to discuss.” Our divorce mediator handled everything over seven years ago.

“You know I’m still sorry about how everything happened,” she says, not letting it go.

“It’s over, Lisa.”

Stepping up to me, her hand comes to my chest. “But we could start over. A fresh start. A second chance. You look so good, Jake.”

My stomach churns at the solicitation. Lisa might be thinking she’s seductive, but she’s not. I don’t need a woman who broke our marriage vows. Hell, I don’t need any woman who isn’t committed to me, and that goes for Rita as well. Her earlier rejection still stings.

“I’m not interested in doing this with you,” I mutter, shaking my head at my ex-wife and removing her hand from my chest.

“I made a mistake. One night, Jake. One time. I made a mistake. Can’t you forgive me?”

I’m not interested in rehashing an old argument. Lisa and I both know it was more than one night. It was more than one time. Forgiveness was all I wanted once upon a time. Actually, faithfulness was what I wanted. I wanted Lisa to believe in us as a couple, but she hadn’t. She turned her back on me even before everything fell apart.

“I do forgive you, Lisa, because you have to live with the regret, not me.”

“What about your regrets?”

“What regrets?” I state, a cold sweat breaking out on me.

“The fire,” she whispers, showing her lack of faith in me once again.

“I’m not doing this,” I mutter, stepping away from my ex-wife. “Thanks for the ride, Lisa.” I turn my back on her and wave over my shoulder. I don’t need this shit. Not from Lisa. Not from any woman.

“So Lisa looked good,” Nolan teases, wiggling his brows over glassy, inebriated eyes.

“Yeah, that ship sailed, brother,” I state, pouring him a glass of water in the kitchen and handing it over to him, reminding me of so many nights he’d come home young and drunk, and I’d try to help him squash a potential killer hangover.

“Could go sailing again,” he says, lifting the glass and downing the water I offered.

“Not interested in sailing,” I say, wanting to cut this euphemism conversation short and get to bed. I’m exhausted.

“Thank goodness that other ship pulled out of port,” Nolan mutters.

“What ship?” I snort.

“Rita Captain.”

“Rita Kaplan,” I correct. “And what happened with you two anyway?”

“Oh, Jakey,” Nolan mutters. “The things I could tell you.” His eyelids lazily lower.

“Well, there’s always tomorrow,” I tease, patting him on the shoulder and stepping behind his chair to wheel him to his room. Copyright 2016 - 2024