Studfinder (Busy Bean #5) - L.B. Dunbar Page 0,44

lower back, he flips our position and drops his voice. “Riding lesson.” My legs straddle him on instinct. My drenched core meets the hard length of him, bare and thick. Coasting over him, the heavy moisture he created between my thighs dampens him. The movement drags my already swollen, ripe center in a striking manner against him. Like a flint to rock, I’m ready to spark again.

“Need inside you, sweet.”

“Condom?” I question, and Jake twists his head on the pillow.

“My pants.” We’d stripped out of our clothes as we stood at the end of my bed, and his pants are somewhere in that pile.

“Do we need one?” My voice hesitates. It was a risk. Even on the pill and with a condom, my best friend had gotten pregnant. “I have an IUD.” I had one inserted a while back for feminine issues.

“Are you sure?” His question answers mine, and I slide to his tip, catching on the thick bulge before lowering my hand to guide him inside me. Gliding over his stiff length, bringing him into my body, he tips his head back as mine does when he’s entered me in the past. A vein strains along his throat, and I lower to drag my tongue against the roughness of his jaw.

“Sweet, you’re going to be the end of me.”

I have no idea what that means, but my body knows what it needs to begin. I rock up his length, drawing myself to his tip as if I might release him. Then I lower to draw him deep inside. I repeat the movements, the rhythm building. Walking my hands down his chest until I sit upright over him, I use my knees to lift and lower me. Jake glances down to where he disappears inside me.

“Might be the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen.” His eyes flick up to my face. My hair is all over the place as I roll my hips over him, moving faster with short, sharp thrusts. My fingertips dig into his belly while his hands pinch my hips, forcing me to rock harder. “So deep like this.”

His stuttering tone tells me he’s getting close, and I want him to give in to me. I want to feel the power of breaking this man. I want to be the end of him, as he said.

“I’ll pull out,” he warns around a shaky breath, returning his gaze to where I ride him.

“No,” I hiss, afraid to lose the edge I’m experiencing, the crest that’s climbing. Jake glances up at me.

“Sweet?” he questions, but I’m lost in my head, riding him for all he’s worth, giving in to the all-consuming sensation of us joined together. I don’t want to end the connection.

“Jake.” His name catches in my throat, but I repeat it three more times before I still, clenching at him buried to the hilt inside me. His fingertips dig into my hips as he follows my lead and bucks upward, drilling himself deeper before coming alive within me.

Heavily breathing, Jake jackknives upward and grips the back of my neck. His mouth takes mine, fierce but tender.

“That probably wasn’t smart,” he mutters to my lips.

“For once, I wanted to use something other than my brain.” My heart made me do it.

Jake seems to understand, and he returns to kissing me, tugging me down to my side on the bed. We stay just as we were, joined as long as we can before thoughts get in the way.

The week passes in a whirlwind of Jake and sex, and sex and Jake. I can’t seem to stay away from the worksite, and Jake pulls me into a corner or empty space every second he can to kiss me silly. I’m drunk on this man who is dangerous for a recovering alcoholic. We’re warned in AA about replacing one addiction for another, and I am heavily addicted to him.

The following Saturday, I give into some separation and attend the Norwich farmers’ market with Scarlett as I promised. I meet her here as we came from different directions, and she has baby Harley with her. The market is in full swing as we saunter, and I babble on and on about Jake. How he invited me to his nephew’s graduation from my alma mater. How we’d spent time together on a hike, cooking dinner, and hanging out. How the sex with him is incredible.

“You’re quiet, lady,” I tease as Scarlett has hardly said a word. “Bull stampede over you last night?”

Scarlett stops walking Copyright 2016 - 2024