Stud Muffin (Donner Bakery #2) - Jiffy Kate Page 0,63

I would never force myself on her or make her feel obligated in any way; I just want to tell her how I feel and see what happens. Of course, I want more than that, but she can’t play the game if she doesn’t even know the ball’s in her court.

Damn, why do all sports make me think of having sex with Tempest?

Maybe I just have too much time on my hands. Now that I’m not training full-time and fighting, I have more time to think of other things, namely The Duchess of Muffins.

Maybe I’ve never met anyone like her before and it’s totally natural for her to take up so much space in my brain. I mean, she’s fucking fascinating. I don’t understand how no one else can see that but, at the same time, I’m glad because that means I get her all to myself.

If she’ll have me, of course.

This trip to Knoxville came at the perfect time. Not only do I get to spend extra time with Tempest, but I can pick up some more supplies for the studio. Some things, such as wrapping tape and protective equipment, I don’t mind ordering online, but for others, I prefer a more hands-on approach.

For example, the speed bags I’m looking at right now. I have a couple already but I need a few more in different sizes. Being so close to a bag, I can’t help but tap it a couple of times with my fist. It’s like breathing to me and it feels so damn good.

I continue to move around the area, testing out the different bags, before deciding on a few I plan to buy. After I tell the sales guy which ones to set aside for me, I check out some boxing gloves. I’d really like to surprise Tempest with her own set of gloves, but I want them to be perfect. They need to be tough, obviously, but also flexible, just like she is. They also can’t be pink or anything too girly looking. Not that there’s anything wrong with pink; I just don’t think that color suits her.

A pair catches my eye and I immediately know they’re perfect for her. Black with bright red flames covering where her fingers and knuckles will be. I can’t help but laugh at the multiple meanings behind my choice. They obviously match her name and red hair but they also remind me of the story of when she burned all of her ex’s belongings in the driveway. Lastly, the flames represent how freaking hot I think she is.

I make my purchases and drive back to the church to wait for Tempest. I’m a few minutes early, so I roll down the windows and cut the engine, enjoying the nice breeze as it blows through the cab of the truck. It’s such a nice day and with her faint scent lingering around me, I find myself somewhere between dreaming and awake, my mind wandering and contemplating life, as you do—where I’m at, where I’m going… what I want, and of course, who I want. Images of Tempest easily flood my mind and my daydreams seem so real, I swear I hear her voice.

It takes me a moment to realize I really am hearing her voice and when I open my eyes, I see her walking toward my truck with a guy. I’m assuming she knows this man from her sessions but that doesn’t make me feel any better, especially as I notice the way he’s looking at her. He’s not even trying to hide the fact that he’s checking her out and it makes me sick to see him leer at her that way. Tempest doesn’t seem to notice as she continues to talk, but I’m confident she’ll put him in his place if he oversteps her boundaries.

She’s a tough girl, but I can’t help wanting to help her, be there for her.

I also can’t help the slight twinge of jealousy flowing through me as this man stands close to her, breathing her in, appreciating what I’d like to be mine. So, maybe, it’s a bit more than a slight twinge because the moment that jackass places his hand on her lower back, leaning in as if he’s trying to hear her better, my muscles tense and I swear steam comes out of my ears. In fact, I’d like to take that arm of his, rip it off, and beat him with it, but I know I can’t do Copyright 2016 - 2024