Stud Muffin (Donner Bakery #2) - Jiffy Kate Page 0,59

quite often and it’s hilarious.

I laugh before saying, “I kinda picture you as a take-it-slow kind of girl.”

“Don’t make this dirty,” she huffs, still punching the air and ducking her imaginary opponent.

“Move your feet, speedy,” I command, turning my head so she can’t see my ridiculous smile.

We continue on with the workout, switching from shadow-boxing to some Tai Chi. I’ve found it’s a crucial part of the class for Tempest. Once we’re finished with the Tai Chi she always looks so calm and at peace with herself.

I love it.

Helping her find her inner strength is empowering. I’ve always loved teaching people, but teaching Tempest is opening my mind up to a whole new realm of possibilities.

“I need to shower,” Tempest says, smoothing her hand over her sweaty ponytail. Have I mentioned how tempting she is when she’s all hot and sweaty? And dare I say she smells even better, which makes my mind go to filthy, dirty places… all involving Tempest and sweat… and being naked.

“You can shower upstairs if you want.”

What the fuck, Cage?

I have no idea why I just said that, but then again, I have no idea why I say half the things I do when she’s around. They just fucking fly out of my mouth without permission.

We’re friends and I’d offer that to any of my other friends, even if they weren’t gorgeous and funny and fun to be around. But the look she’s giving me isn’t friendly. It’s not unfriendly. But it’s definitely more. I feel it all the way down to my cock.

Clearing my throat, I try to fix the situation. “Or I can just swing by and pick you up, or you can drive. Whatever… I’m just along for the ride.” Now I’m the one rambling on like a fool. Tempest’s lips curve slightly up and then she licks them, making them stand out even more.

“How about you pick me up… since I’m on the way out of town,” she offers.

“Sounds good.” I nod, stopping myself from saying “it’s a date.” How fucking stupid can I be in one day? I guess we’re getting ready to find out.

Chapter 17


Opening the front door of my house, I exhale and close my eyes.

“Holy shit,” I mutter to the empty quiet. “That was a close one.”

Maintaining that friend status between Cage and I has been a struggle. I hate to admit it, even to myself, and of course I’d never admit it to anyone else… especially him. But there’s just this… I don’t know, a pull? Electricity? Heat? Something intangible, but it’s there. I feel it every time I’m around him, and no matter how hard I try to ignore it or tune it out, I can’t.

So, him asking to tag along to Knoxville, although I love the thought of spending more time with him, it’s a horrible idea. But how could I say no? I mean, that’s what friends are for. If I would’ve turned him down, it would’ve made all of this even worse.

“Suck it up, Tempest,” I tell myself. “You can do this.” Pushing off the door, I make my way to the downstairs bathroom and turn on the shower.

It’s just one hour there and one hour back. I’ll be in my session while he does his errands. No biggie. I can do this.

After a quick shower, I walk into the spare bedroom and pull out an old T-shirt and jeans, my most comfortable options, and hesitate, looking at a few of the nicer selections hanging in the closet. Nope. Not going to do that.

“You are not dressing for impressing,” I mutter to myself, throwing on a basic set of bra and panties… white, virginal… I might not be a virgin, but I swear my hymen has probably reattached itself by this point, so I might as well roll with it. Besides, it’ll be a good reminder to myself to not let my mind wander.

Because it will try.

It will try it’s damndest to imagine Cage and myself in compromising positions. I already know this, because I have to shut that shit down every time we’re around each other.

And I’m already anticipating how bad this is going to be. Having been in a truck cab with Cage a time or two, I know his scent—woodsy, manly, clean… confident and a bit mysterious—floods the small space. Up until now, I’ve only had to deal with it in small spurts, but two hours on the road will test the Jesus in me.

After I’m dressed, I pull Copyright 2016 - 2024