Stud Muffin (Donner Bakery #2) - Jiffy Kate Page 0,55

to be.” Swallowing down my own emotions, I take a second to be sad.

It’s my right.

Through my anger management sessions, I’ve learned I'm allowed to feel any emotion I want. It’s what I do about them that makes the difference.

But what I told her is the same thing I’ve been telling myself the past few weeks… or more like the past six months. As much as I didn’t want to acknowledge it, I know it’s true: Asher and I weren’t meant to be.

I loved him, that’s true. And if he hadn’t cheated on me, I’d still be married to him. But what I’ve realized is that everything happens for a reason. It might take a while, but eventually things get clearer. One day, I’ll be able to look back and see how one thing led to another and another… until I’m happy again.

Actually, I’m already getting there.

“You’re right.” Anna sniffles and turns her bright smile toward me. “I’d been praying for Asher to have a change of heart and for the two of you to reconcile, but I’m done with that.”

Now I’m the one to roll my eyes, because she sounds just like my mama.

“I’m going to be praying you find a new husband… someone good and Godly, of course,” she says thoughtfully. “With good swimmers.”

“Good Lord,” I groan, leaning my head back and looking toward to the ceiling, searching for a way out of this madness.

“He is good,” she muses. Again, sounding just like my mama. “You’re a big hit in my prayer circle, you know. So I guess it’s a good thing you’re set on keeping us busy on our knees.”

My mouth is hanging open as I stare at her, not believing what just came out of her mouth. Anna never makes off-colored jokes or gives sexual innuendos, so you can imagine my shock as I sit there. I’m doubly shocked when she quirks an eyebrow at me, daring me for a response.

“Obviously, I need as many prayers as possible,” I tell her, refusing to fall for her tricks. “Who am I to deprive you and your nosy friends from your true calling?”

My semi-acquiescence catches her off-guard, which is exactly what I was going for. Anna eventually smiles, slipping an arm around my shoulders and hugging me to her as she laughs. “I love you, you big ol’ heathen.”

“I love you, too, you Amazonian holy roller.”

After everyone has had their cake, punch, and mingle time, Anna takes her place in the designated chair, ready to receive gifts. Of course, I draw the short straw and have to sit next to her, writing down who gives her what so she can personalize thank-you cards later.

Everything is going just peachy. I’m avoiding Mindy’s stares and Anna is getting some adorable gifts, when a loud gasp gets my attention.

Turning to Anna, I see her big blue eyes are as round as saucers. With her mouth hanging open, like she’s shocked or surprised, I look around for some audacious gift, but see nothing out of the ordinary—diapers, bibs, and bottles.

Then, I see the panic. With a fake smile frozen on her face, she speaks to me, slowly but deliberately, through her clenched teeth. “Tempest, I think I just tee-teed on myself.”

Giggles bubble out of my mouth before I can stop them. “What?”

“Tee-tee. You know…pee.” She rolls her eyes before admitting, exasperated, “I just peed myself, Tempest!” She implores me with a desperate look to understand.

“What would you like me to do?” I ask, setting the notepad I’ve been writing on down on the table. “Do you want me to walk you to the bathroom and block everyone from seeing your wet dress?” She’s twice my size, but I could at least cover her ass while she walks.

“I don’t know!” She’s starting to lose it. I see it all over her face and I desperately search the crowd of women for my mama. She always has a solution for any problem. “Maybe I should stay here until everyone leaves…” she drifts off as her eyes go to the floor, taking mine with them.

“Um, Anna, I don’t think that’s pee.”

“What do you mean? Of course it is. What else could it be?”

I answer her by discreetly pointing to the pink liquid running down her leg.

“No, Tempest, just…no.” She starts to stand, but then her hand goes to her belly and I think she’s having a contraction. “My… my water cannot break during my baby shower... at church. This is not in my birth plan!”

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