Stud Muffin (Donner Bakery #2) - Jiffy Kate Page 0,53

it is feeling like I’m getting the chance to pass on something I love to someone else, and seeing it enrich their life.

“You know,” Viggo says after a few moments, “Vali has a fight set up… he wants you in the ring. The payout is pretty good… all you’d have to do is show up. Step into the octagon. Walk away with no less than a hundred grand.” He pauses and I begin to get pissed the fuck off. “I’m sure you could use the money… and we could use the publicity—”

“Listen to yourself, Viggo,” I growl. “You want me to walk into a ring, knowing I’ll lose, just so I can get a little cash and the gym can get some publicity? Are you fucking kidding me?” I run a hand down my face and then back up to grip at my hair, which is longer than it’s ever been. “What does that say about us? How the fuck does that help?” I ask, fuming. “We’re bigger than that… better. Integrity, Strength, and Excellence, remember? Huh?”

When he still doesn’t reply, I continue. “Have things changed that much since I’ve been gone? Have you all forgotten who we are and what we stand for?” I ask, hoping I’m wrong.

“We all know you could beat anyone with one arm tied behind your back,” he finally says. “Vali has put a lot into this fight… really went out on a limb with this one and if we don’t find some talent to fill out the ticket, it’ll be a bust. You know how much money that’ll be? Down the fucking drain?”

He asks me this like it’s my problem, and I guess, in a way, it is. We’re family. We’re always in it together, but I really hate that he’s trying to make me feel guilty for something that’s out of my control and something I never asked to be in the middle of in the first place.

Val is always taking risks.

“I can make some calls,” I tell him, thinking of a few people that might be interested, a few favors I can maybe call in.

“Thanks,” Viggo says. “When are you coming home?”

Shaking my head, I look around. “I don’t know, man. I’m just playing it all by ear right now.”

After I hang up with Viggo, I think about calling Vali, but decide to wait until I have a chance to make a few other phone calls first. I’d rather call him when I have an alternative plan for him, rather than to just tell him there’s no fucking chance of me stepping in that ring.

Looking at the clock on the wall, I see it’s almost time for Tempest’s kickboxing lesson, so I put my phone over on the stairs and grab some tape.

Tempest has really taken to the bags. For someone so small, she really makes an impact and has nice control over her movements. Today, I plan on getting her started on one bag while I get in a workout on the other. It’s better if I keep myself occupied while she’s here, because if I don’t, my mind stays in the fucking gutter and I’m constantly having to put myself in place— literally and figuratively.

A few days ago, right after the Pork N Beans incident, I was helping her with the roundhouse kick that landed her in a pile of canned goods when I felt something. It wasn’t my stiff dick. I’m used to that… and used to telling him to forget it. There is no way I’m messing this up… this friendship, something we both need. But that day, there was this intensity flowing between us and I know she felt it too. The way her eyes widened when my hand was on her thigh, even though it wasn’t in a sexual manner, I could see that her mind went there.

I wanted to ask her about it, force the issue, but like I said, I’m not going to ruin what we’ve got going.

Besides, between this upcoming reunion and the impending birth of Asher and Mindy’s baby… as well as her cousin Cole and his wife Anna, who are also expecting, she has a lot on her plate. So, for now, I’ll keep my semi in my pants and my thoughts to myself.

One of these days, I’ll come clean about how I feel about her and I’ll put the ball in her court, but that day is not today.


Whirling around, I school my expression and give her a warm, friendly Copyright 2016 - 2024