Stud Muffin (Donner Bakery #2) - Jiffy Kate Page 0,114

has launched herself at me, legs wrapped around my waist… arms around my neck… and her sweet lips on mine.



Islands in the Stream. It’s not really the season for pineapple and coconut, but the song is speaking to my soul today, so that’s what’s on the menu. The base for it is a spice batter that I’ve added rum to. It’s to die for.

Just like Cage.

The past couple months have been great—busy, but great. Tonight is the grand opening of Cage’s studio. He’s worked hard to get everything just like he wants it. The last thing he added to it, what he’s been working on ever since he came back from Dallas, is a legit boxing ring. He has plans to buy the entire building from Hank, not just the portion he’s utilizing right now, but the whole thing, expanding it to rival Erickson MMA in Dallas.

Everything is changing, but I couldn’t be happier about these changes. Unlike the beginning of the year, when my life was completely turned upside down, the end of the year made it all worth it.

“What are you still doing here?” Jenn asks as she walks back into the kitchen. “I thought you were leaving early to go help Cage finish setting up for tonight.”

“I am,” I tell her, moving the cooled muffins onto the tray, saving a few out to take with me. “I just wanted to finish this last batch before I left.” Picking up the full tray, I carry it to the front and slide it into the display. “Are you and Cletus stopping by tonight?”

“We wouldn’t miss it.”

Smiling, I wipe my hands on my apron before untying it and hanging it on the rack. “Great… there will be drinks and appetizers starting at seven.”

“See you tonight,” Jenn calls out as I make my way back to the front and out the door, a bag of muffins under my arm. Crossing the street, I walk over to the studio, pausing for a second to admire the new sign.

Viking MMA

Cage toyed with the idea of making this place part of the Erickson MMA brand, but decided he’d rather it be his own, something separate from the family business. I love it.

“Hello,” I call out, walking through the front door. “Cage?”

“Up here,” he calls back, his voice coming from the stairs leading to the apartment. An apartment we now share. Last month, he talked me into moving in with him. I was hesitant, but he said it could be on a trial basis and if it didn’t work out, I could move back to my old apartment… or buy a house… or whatever I want.

It’s one of the things I love the most about him—he lets me be me.

“I brought you muffins,” I call back.

“Hey Good Lookin?” he asks.

“No,” I yell back.

“Forever and Ever, Amen?”


“What the hell?” he asks, finally walking down the stairs so we can stop yelling at each other. “You know those are my favorites.”

Holding the bag out to him, I wait for him to take a whiff. He mentioned a few weeks ago that his favorite fruit is pineapple, so I think he’s going to be happy with this combination. When he takes the bag from me and opens it, the groan he makes goes straight to my core.

Cage’s muffin approval is basically the same sound he makes when he’s coming.

I can’t be held responsible for my body’s response to that.

“Islands in the Stream,” I tell him, walking over and stealing a bite from the one he’s holding up.

“Hey!” He pulls the muffin back with a look of disgust on his face… his beautiful, perfect face.

Giving him an unapologetic smile, I walk around him and over to the mats. “So, what’s left to do for tonight? I’m ready for you to put me to work.”

“I’ll put you to work, alright,” Cage mutters, his mouth half-full of muffin.

He actually is going to put me to work, and not just in the bedroom. When his regular classes start next week, I’ll be helping with the self-defense classes. After this week, Cage will no longer work at the Pink Pony, going full-time at the studio.

Ignoring his sexual advances, I redirect the conversation. “You know, when this all started, I thought you were just going to teach me how to channel my anger,” I say, thoughtfully. “But you taught me so much more than that.”

“Like how to kick my ass,” he says, a mischievous grin on his face.

“That,” I agree. “And how to fight, not just physically, but for myself.”

He sits the bag of muffins down and walks over to me, grabbing me by the waist. “You already had it in you… I just helped you find it.”

“You helped me see I was worth fighting for.”

Crystal-blue eyes bore into mine as Cage’s expression turns serious. “You are worth it,” he says, his voice full of earnest. “I’ve known it since the first time I laid eyes on you… I’m glad you finally caught up to speed.”

Rising up on my tip toes, I press my lips to his. “I love you,” I whisper, hoping he knows how much. “Thank you for everything… for being my friend and always being on my side… for helping me fight my battles.”

“Always,” he says, his lips brushing my cheek as he kisses his way to my neck, strong arms wrapping me up and pulling me closer. “I love you, Tempest Cassidy...and I’ll always fight for you… for us. Never doubt that.”

THE END Copyright 2016 - 2024