Stud Muffin (Donner Bakery #2) - Jiffy Kate Page 0,108

taken advantage of a situation like this, invited them to sit in the box with me and my brothers, showed them a good time. But that was before Tempest… before she showed up at the Pink Pony and reeled me in without ever even saying a word.

“Will you be here all night?” the brunette asks, handing me a card. “We’ve got a great party planned for after the fights, and we’d love to have you make an appearance.”

I said I’d be at the fight, and I’m here, but that’s where it ends.

Smiling politely, I shake my head. “Sorry, I’ve got an early day tomorrow.”

“You sure?” the blonde one asks, stepping closer and running a finger down my shirt.

Taking her hand, I pull it away from me and place it back in her space. “Thanks, but no thanks.” Turning, I walk away as quickly as possible, looking for any of my brothers to use as a decoy.

I’m off the market, ladies, but have you met Viggo… or Val… Ozzi?

Not Gunnar, because I plan on keeping his ass very busy for the foreseeable future.

A funny thought hits me as I walk up the steps toward the box I’ll be sitting at during the fight.

What would Tempest say to all of this?

I’ve thought about her a dozen times since I arrived… hundreds since I’ve been back in Dallas. Would she think this is all ridiculous? She seemed pretty intrigued the night we were at the restaurant and the guy approached me. Would she be jealous about the women? Does it make me a sick fuck to hope that she would be?

There’s just no telling with her. She’s constantly surprising me. And I love that about her… along with a million other things.

I’m halfway up the steps when my phone buzzes in my pocket, but when I look at my screen, I don’t recognize the number. It’s a Green Valley area code, but it’s not Hank. It could be someone at the club, Floyd or one of the workers. Swiping my thumb across the screen, I place the phone to my ear, “Hello?”


One word… that’s all it takes.

My heart jumps up into my throat and for a second, I can’t speak. Does she have ESP? Did she know I was just thinking about her? Then, my instincts kick in. “Are you alright? Is something wrong?”

If Asher or Mindy have done anything to harass her or make her life miserable… so help me God. They do not want to mess with what is mine.

“No,” she says in a rush. “I’m… I’m fine.”


Tempest rarely lies to me, but I know it when I hear it. And just like the night she told me I’m a rebound… basically writing me off for good… I heard it then and I’m hearing it now. “Can you hold on for a second?” I ask, turning toward one of the exits and quickly making my way to it. “I’m going to go outside so I can hear you better. Don’t hang up.”


Her response is direct and not the usual way she speaks to me, but maybe she’s just nervous.

I know I sure as hell am—sweaty palms, heart pounding.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Once I’m outside the building and away from everyone, I take a deep breath. “I’m here.”

“Where are you?”

“Dallas,” I tell her, looking around at the parking lot that’s quickly filling up and feeling a million miles away from Green Valley… and her. At this point, they could be on a different planet. “My family is hosting a bout… and it’s kind of big deal, so I’m here to lend a hand.”

“You left.” It’s not a question; it’s a statement. And it sounds like she accusing me of something, but I’m not sure what. She sounds pissed. What does she have to be angry about?

“I did, yes.”

She lets out a frustrated grunt before continuing. “You left without saying anything and I didn’t know how to find you.”

If I’m not mistaken, there’s a hint of panic to her voice and even though I shouldn’t, I’d love nothing more than to reach through this phone and pull her to me.

“You told me you didn’t want to see me anymore,” I tell her, feeling the weight of her words as I pinch the bridge of my nose to gain a little composure. “Why would I tell you I was going to Dallas?” Now, I’m getting pissed. “You’re kind of giving me whiplash, Tempest. One second, we’re just friends… the next second, you Copyright 2016 - 2024