Strong, Sleek and Sinful - By Lorie O'Clare Page 0,71

at the most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyes on. She wasn’t sure whether it sucked or was a good thing that as he came the only thought surfacing in her fogged brain was that she knew without any doubt she would want this again.

Perry wrapped his arms around Kylie’s damp body, feeling her heart patter against his chest. Her nipples were hard pebbles brushing against his flesh, continuing to torture him, even after he’d emptied all he had inside her. She was so damn tight. Or maybe with it being so long since he’d fucked a woman, she simply felt like the perfect glove wrapped around his cock.

Minutes passed before he managed to move his hand and stroke her soft blonde hair. “I’m supposed to bring you over to my sister’s house on Wednesday for dinner.”

Kylie raised her head, giving him an odd look. If anything, her reaction made finishing the request easier. He moved, lifting her with him easily. She was a small woman, something he forgot with her dynamic personality.

“It’s not like you think.” He hated sliding out of her and the chill when he was no longer buried in her heat was even worse. “She wants to know you better since the girls are talking about you so much.”

It was the line he’d told his sister he’d use. And it was true. There wasn’t any point in telling Kylie that Megan loved playing matchmaker. Kylie’s silence and cautious expression satisfied him perfectly. She didn’t want a relationship any more than he did. Fucking her, keeping an eye on her, and making sure she didn’t pull another insane stunt was as far as he’d take this.

Although he’d be honest with himself, when he came over he didn’t think he’d take it this far. Something about Kylie made it impossible to leave her alone. She never admitted she left last night to meet someone off the Internet, but Perry wouldn’t be surprised if she refused to confess out of embarrassment from being caught doing something she knew wasn’t a smart move. Kylie was intelligent. He’d give her that. Whatever compelled her to do what she did last night, he prayed now that they’d fucked each other, she wouldn’t try doing it again.

“Give me her number and I’ll give her a call.” Kylie moved to the edge of the bed and put her feet on the floor, then combed her hair with her fingers.

Kylie would steamroll Megan in a second, something he wouldn’t allow to happen. “She wants you to come to dinner.”

“Then shouldn’t she invite me?” The defiance that sharpened her bright blue eyes added to her flushed expression.

Goddamn she was gorgeous. And she wore that well-fucked look so well. He knew he didn’t have sex with her just so he could use that as a tool to demand she listen to him. Kylie would challenge him at every corner, regardless of what kind of relationship they had. As impossible as it had been to keep his hands off her when he first arrived at her house, he knew it would be just as impossible to not have sex with her again. One thing he would be sure of, though. She wouldn’t go chasing after other men while she was fucking him.

He grabbed his jeans and then gripped her chin, tilting her head while caressing her moist, smooth flesh. “She is inviting you through me.” He made quick work of dressing and headed toward the hallway.

Kylie slipped into her clothes and was right behind him.

“Are there cameras inside the house, too?” It was quite an elaborate surveillance setup she had outside her house, which was a contradiction about her he intended to understand soon. For someone who was so cautious and protective of her home, it didn’t make sense she would agree to meet someone under such dangerous conditions.

Perry grabbed the door handle to the middle bedroom and was surprised when she dove at him, using more strength than he would guess she had to rip his hand off the handle. “What’s in there, darling?”

“If I wanted you to know, it wouldn’t be locked.”

He reached for her, but she took a step backward and then pointed toward her living room. “Move,” she instructed.

It was a damn shame he never followed orders that well. He grabbed the door handle again and tried turning it, acknowledging that it was locked.

“If you recorded us fucking, I have a right to know.”

“If you were worried about that, you should have asked before Copyright 2016 - 2024