Strong, Sleek and Sinful - By Lorie O'Clare Page 0,161

time. Again a flashback of interrupting her meet, not understanding what it was she was about, hit him as hard as if a flood had just released. It didn’t knock him off his feet with the clarity of it. This time Perry saw the reality in the situation. Kylie sat, planted as bait, ready to take on a monster. And it appeared she was fucking alone while doing it.

There better be FBI agents sitting and waiting, or he’d take down that field office, starting with fucking Athey.

A dark shadow appeared in the bushes behind Kylie’s car at the same time sirens sounded in the distance. Hell, maybe Rad was quicker than Perry gave him credit for. The chances were strong the sirens were unrelated, but Perry would love an audience when he nailed Franco to the fucking wall.

The shadow moved quickly, coming up alongside Kylie’s car at the same time the black Suburban appeared at the other end of the parking lot.

“Fucking hell! There are two of them.” Perry barely grunted out the words when he heard Kylie cry out. Whoever was alongside her car had just dragged her out of it as the Suburban pulled up alongside her car.

Her cry was stifled quickly when the person in the shadows shoved Kylie into the back of the Suburban and slammed the door shut. Perry damn near ran backward when Franco bolted to his squad car. The motherfucker had just abducted Kylie and would now run to his car and make a show of trying to catch her.

Perry turned, hauling ass back to his car. His phone rang before he reached it and he pushed the button, willing it to be Kylie.

“Why are you doing this?” he heard her wail.

“Shut the fuck up, bitch.” The outraged male voice sounded too fucking familiar.

Perry leapt into his car at the same time that Franco squealed out of his hiding place. His phone beeped, indicating another call, and Perry cursed. He couldn’t take a call while recording. Glancing down, he saw it was Carl.

“Where the hell are you, man?” Perry asked the darkness of his car as he left his lights off and followed Franco around the corner of the building. He could really use his partner right now, or that supposed backup to truly exist. This was going to be one hell of a bust, and witnesses were always good, especially when taking down a cop who’d been on the force for as long as Franco had.

Perry would kick himself in the ass later for not noticing an insane child molester walking among them, right under their fucking noses, all these years.

Carl pulled into the parking lot in his own car when Perry made it around the corner. Franco was ahead of him and the Suburban was leaving the lot. Perry struggled to listen to the noises he heard in his ear while cutting across the dark lot and pulling up alongside Carl. Fortunately, he knew to ask questions later. Carl parked his car, jumped out, and climbed in on the passenger side, barely managing to shut the door before Perry hauled ass after Franco and the Suburban.

“What the hell is going on?” Carl demanded, struggling with his seat belt.

“Kylie just got picked up. The Suburban is ahead of us and I just witnessed Franco yank her out of her car and throw her into the backseat of the Suburban. I’ve got her on the phone now, recording it, but she isn’t saying anything.”

“Put it on speaker,” Carl suggested. “Is that Franco?”

“Yes, and the motherfucker is mine,” he growled, merely glancing when Carl picked up the handheld between them and pushed the button to send it to speaker. “What the fuck?” Perry howled when Franco didn’t turn out of the lot but instead squealed to a stop and turned his car sideways, completely blocking the exit.

“What the hell is he doing?” Carl yelled.

“You won’t get away with this, John,” Kylie said through the phone.

“John?” Perry and Carl asked at the same time.

Franco stopped his squad car, completely blocking the exit as Perry slowed. Perry turned on his headlights, blinding Franco, whose face was twisted into a determined scowl as he glared at them.

“I don’t fucking believe it,” Carl said, his accent growing thicker. “What does he think he’s doing?”

“Get the camera out and start snapping pictures,” Perry demanded. “And then hold on tight. We’re going for a ride.”

Carl yanked the digital camera out of the glove compartment, pulling it out of its case Copyright 2016 - 2024