Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,84

As I stroke a single cord the room grows quiet again. I hold my stare with Archer West—possibly Archer Ryan if all things go as planned.

Finally, my lips loosen. "Hi, I'm Phoenix Ryan and this song is titled ‘Unexpected Muse’."

Archer's eyes widen. I've called him that often enough now that he must realize this song is for him.

I play the intro and then lean in close to the mic and let the words I'd slaved over roll from my lips and flow into the room.

Word blind and hollow,

I became a void filled with dust.

Rooted in place,

My dreams turned to rust.

Then there was you,

My unexpected muse.

Our unlikely symmetry

Unearthed caged words buried inside of me,

Resurrecting who I was

Before the poles, bills and clubs.

Stripped bare for you,

I offer this confession.

Treading muddy waters,

I was in search of my reflection.

Lost in memories of my path—

How I'd lost my direction.

Stripped bare for you, my unexpected muse

Lyrics and stories written by moonlight and stars

Became the steady rhythm of our hearts.

Unguarded moments stolen in the dark—

Layer by layer we came apart.

Because there was you,

My unexpected muse.

At first sight, all your unknowns

were already forgiven.

You were the breath of fresh air,

That broke through the prison.

The shackles that trapped my soul

Dissolved because with you I'm whole.

Stripped bare for you,

I offer you this confession.

Treading muddy waters,

I was in search of my reflection.

Lost in memories of my path—

How I'd lost my direction.

Stripped bare for you, my unexpected muse

For a bruised moment

shaded in blues and sorrow,

You slipped away—

Your absence left me hollow.

In this cruel world, my vision came clear,

My future imagined without you here.

Then there was you,

My unexpected muse.

They say love is unconditional,

But we set fire to the traditional.

Beyond words that fill venues and empty pages—

The type of love that spans all ages.

Stripped bare for you,

I offer you this confession.

Treading muddy waters,

I was in search of my reflection.

Lost in memories of my path—

How I'd lost my direction.

Stripped bare for you, my unexpected muse

You strip me bare—

Completely exposed.

You're more than my muse,

Your love makes me whole.

My muse, my world,

My always and forever,

Will you do me the honor

And be mine—always—in this life together?

As I stroke the last cord, my chest tightens as the crowd sits silent. Honestly, I think a lot of them are confused.

I'm aware the lines are a bit cheesy. But they're honest. I’d wanted there to be no room for doubt to what I’m asking—an unwavering promise of a future with me. And yet, he still sits there with a bewildered expression. Well, shit.

"Oh my God, he just proposed!" A girl shouts and excited chatter fills the room, but my eyes are still locked on Archer.

My nervous laugh echoes through the mic.

The girl yells again. "Put him out of his misery whoever the lucky person is. He's sweating bullets up there!"

The crowd joins in the chants say yes, but I only watch as Archer's cheeks flush. I hadn’t considered the pressure of publicly proposing, and my heart hammers when he doesn't move. But then with the urging of CJ and Caleb, he stands and slowly makes his way to the stage where he climbs to stand next to me. I meet his searching gaze.

"I don't want to assume because she said—" he stutters in a whisper and twists his fingers.

I drop to a knee, pull the small velvet box from my pocket, and pop open the lid. His eyes fill with tears and my chest constricts. "Archer West…" I swallow around a lump wedged in my throat. "I love you from the bottom of my soul and can't imagine my life without you in it every single day. Will you marry me?"

A drawn-out pause has me holding my breath. His lips twist to the side and he cocks his head. "Will I be Archer Ryan or will you be Phoenix West?"

His question catches me off guard and the breath whooshes from my lungs. Shoulders shaking in amusement, I stare up into his glimmering eyes. "I'll be whatever you want me to be, Arch."

"I like the sound of Archer Ryan." He nods.

"Maybe first you could answer me?" I suggest, but it comes out as a question.

His brow furrows as if my words are absurd. "Of course I will."

Okay, so not exactly like a Christmas movie. But so very much Archer.

Relieved and buzzing with new energy that puts a broad smile on my face, I slip the band onto his finger. He holds up his hand, inspecting the red speckled ring I'd managed to find, almost identical to the one I still wear.

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