Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,30

just as Desi, our manager, marched straight toward me at a quick clip. With long black hair flowing behind her, sharp features and wearing a black pantsuit, her bright green eyes found mine. "Change of plans, Nix. We need you in VIP."

My lips firmed into a tight smile as my jaw clenched. "You got it. Headed there in a minute."

With the exception of one unexpected auburn-haired birthday boy, I hated working VIP. The men upstairs could be a little handsy, despite the rules. Unlike being on stage where I was untouchable, except to allow them to slip cash under my armband, the small rooms didn't provide enough distance between me and my audience.

Desi shot me a grateful smile before she rushed by and approached another dancer.

Irritated, I grabbed the bottle of oil from my locker and rubbed it over my skin, lifting my necklace to cover my entire chest, before reapplying the glow-in-the-dark body paint. Then I made my way to the second floor where I found a group of businessmen dressed in suits and ties.

For the next half hour, I danced to the provocative music that filtered into the room. Hungry gazes ate up every move, and as one of the men booked a private room, I reminded myself it was just a job. One that I hadn't minded so much a few weeks ago. But now, as I gestured for him to take a seat on the couch, I longed to sit beneath the stars with nothing more than a pencil, paper and words that leaked from my heart. Preferably, with Archer at my side.

I was so fucked.

Avenged Sevenfold blared from my speakers as I pulled up to the curb in front of the small stucco home Damon shared with his roommate. I turned the volume down and quickly scanned the area.

His place sat in the center of a quiet street on the outskirts of the city. The familiar neighborhood was full of run-down homes that had seen their better days in the seventies, much like mine. That's where the similarities ended.

Lit by a full moon, the yard next door was littered with children’s toys, and a rusted truck sat abandoned in the exposed backyard with tall grass growing up along its frame.

Damon's yard, while free from toys, was neglected too with tangled weeds more prominent than grass. His freshly waxed red sports car was oddly out of place parked in the driveway.

Grabbing my phone from the cup holder, I checked for missed calls or texts. Not surprised but still disappointed Archer hadn't reached out, I switched off the car and climbed out, stuffing my phone in my pocket.

As I walked up the cracked pathway to Damon's house, I kicked an empty soda can aside and climbed the steps. Tools, a cooler, several pairs of sneakers and other items cluttered the creaky porch.

When I knocked, the door squeaked open and I let myself in. The sound of laughter and a loud curse, nearly drowned out by heavy rap music, came from the back of the house. Having been there before, I crossed the worn carpet to the garage converted into a game room and found several guys I recognized from the club, girls who regularly hung out with Damon and Jonah, and a few unfamiliar faces. I puffed out a relieved breath when I spotted Emma already sucking face with one of my coworkers. The game table covered in cards and beer cans was surrounded with people clearly well on their way to drunken stupidity.

As I searched the garage, my eyes stung from the haze of cigarette smoke clouding the room.

The loud clack of pool balls grabbed my attention, and I found Damon lining up to take a shot. Just as he went to strike, I stepped inside the dim lit room.

"Hey, dicks!" I yelled over the music and then grinned when Damon missed his shot and narrowed his eyes at me.

"You made it." He moved aside to let the other guy play.

I waved at some of the people I knew and made my way over to Damon. "Said I'd be here, didn't I?"

He handed me his cue, or rather shoved it at my chest, and I grabbed it before it fell.

"Wasn't sure you'd show anyway." He tilted his head to the blond at the other end of the table. "You remember…" His brow furrowed, and I glanced at the guy as he smoothly sank a striped ball before flicking his gaze between me and Damon.

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