In Strange Woods - Claire Cray Page 0,59

don’t wanna kill you, bro,” Domino cried in despair, like he couldn’t believe James would even think such a thing. “I need you to help me!”

“Help you,” James repeated.

“Look, it’s out there. I know they’re onto me.” Domino spun to face the side of the bridge, raising both hands to his head in despair. “I’m out of options, I’m out of money, I’m out of time, James…”

Domino babbled on, but suddenly James couldn’t hear him. Because just then, he spotted something behind the lawyer that sent a shock down his spine.


Chapter 24: Safety Off

While Domino ranted on, scrubbing his eyes with one hand and gesturing carelessly with the gun in the other, James stared in shock at the man who was obviously, undeniably, without a doubt, his twin.

Beau was crouched beside James’s car, out of Domino’s sight line. Dressed in faded black jeans, black work boots, and a black leather motorcycle jacket, he was watching the scene with gray eyes that gleamed like quicksilver in the sun.

Then his gaze slid slyly over to James, and he raised a finger to his lips.

Heart pounding, James forced himself to focus on Domino again.

“Fuckers froze my accounts this morning,” Domino lamented, his eyes red and puffy with tears. “They’re on my fucking heels. I just need to get to Mexico and go from there. Five million, James. That’s all I’m asking. And I know, I know I’ve taken so much money already…”

“Taken…” James quivered with rage, forgetting Beau for a moment as the reality of Domino’s confession crashed down on him again. “You think I care about the fucking money?”

“I know. I know.” Domino was closer now. He was almost to the middle of the bridge, about six feet from James.

“You murdered my family over poker money,” James said, his voice rising. “Three people died because you’re a fucking cokehead.”

“James,” Domino wailed, throwing his head back again in despair.

James glanced behind him again. Beau was creeping onto the bridge, one careful footstep after another, silent as a panther.

“Bro, I know.” Domino took another step forward. “I’m not asking for forgiveness, James. I’m just asking you to come back to town with me, give me as much cash as you can, and you can wire me the rest. I’ve got it all set up. Please, James. It’s the only option I have left.”

“Bullshit,” James grated out. “You want options? Turn yourself in or fucking kill yourself.”

“You know, you’re such a little bitch sometimes,” Domino exploded suddenly, like he’d been holding back a hidden well of anger the entire time. “Everything I’ve done for you, and you still brush me off. I know you’ve never liked me. At least Robin tried to act like he did.”

James started forward in a burst of rage, but Domino stiffened and aimed the gun squarely at his head, bringing him to a halt.

“Oh,” James said icily. “You’re really gonna shoot me, then?”

“I don’t want to.” Domino’s lips trembled, but he flicked the safety off. “I don’t. But if you’re not gonna help me…I can’t have you run to the cops.”

James let out a vicious scoff. “I’d rather jump off this fucking bridge.”

Beau was only a few feet behind Domino, slowly straightening up from his low stance.

“Fine, then,” Domino said bleakly, tears streaking down his cheeks. He adjusted his grip on the gun. It was practically rattling in his shaky hands, but it was only a few feet from James’s face, leaving little chance of him missing. “God, James, I’m sorry. I didn’t wanna do this.”

“But you did,” Beau said.

As Domino whipped around in surprise, Beau stuck his foot behind the lawyer’s ankle and shoved his shoulder. A shot went off into nowhere as Domino neatly flipped over the edge of the bridge, legs up and head down.

There was one short, shocked scream, followed by a sickening crack—and then, a surprisingly gentle splash.

James rushed to look over the guardrail, barely registering the hand that grabbed his arm to steady him as he leaned over.

Domino was in the water, bobbing against one of the boulders. His eyes were wide, his mouth gaping like a fish. When he rolled slightly in the current, James saw that the side of his head was caved in. Then his features stilled in a horrible way, and James knew he was dead.

The water pushed Domino past the boulder and carried him under the bridge, out of sight.

James turned toward the other side, but Beau pulled on his arm. “James.”

Their eyes met, and they both stood still.

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