The Stopover (The Miles High Club #1) - T L Swan Page 0,105

entire life. I wouldn’t be surprised if my dick has been poisoned off like a weed.”

I burst out laughing. “You could never be unsexy to me, and your dick is more of a tree than a weed.”

He raises his eyebrow, unimpressed.

I get the uncontrollable giggles. He really does look ridiculous. I want to take a photo for Alan, but I know he would go postal. He’s teetering on the edge here.

“Okay, let’s just get in and do it, and then we can pump up the bed.” I smile.

His face falls. “We have to pump up a bed?”

“No. You have to blow it up with your mouth,” I tease.

He throws the directions in the air. “That’s it—I’m out.”

I burst out laughing. “No, you don’t. I’m only teasing. We have a pump.”

He puts his hand on his hips and stares at me for a moment.

“Jameson.” I smile softly. “This weekend is symbolic in our relationship. You’re expecting me to give up everything I know to live in a world that’s completely foreign to me.”

He stares at me.

“I’m just asking you for three days.” I bounce on the spot. “Please. Can you just do this . . . for me?”

He pinches the bridge of his nose, and I know I’ve nearly got him. I lean up and kiss his big lips. “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

“Fine,” he snaps as he bends and picks the directions up and begins to reread them. “Get me the longest pole.”

Two hours later, the tent is finally up. The bed is ready, and I put out two fold-up chairs. “Come sit with me.” I smile as I open a bottle of red wine.

He sits down beside me, and I pass him his glass. I brought two wineglasses. I knew if I tried to make him drink out of a plastic cup, it would have been all over.

He sits in his cheap fold-up chair and takes his glass from me, and I smile and raise mine to him. “To a successful escape from Alcatraz.”

He smirks and takes a sip and looks around at the darkness. “Okay, so what do we do now?”

“This is it.”

“This is it?” He frowns.

“Yeah . . . you just sit here.”

“And do what?”


“Oh.” He looks around at the dark forest and sips his wine, and I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing. It’s completely dark now, and the forest is beginning to come alive with animals. Echoes can be heard in the distance.

He’s in complete freak-out mode inside and holding it in. He tips his head back and drains his glass and holds it out for an immediate refill.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m getting plastered so I don’t remember getting eaten by a bear.” He shakes his head. “It’s the only way.”

I laugh. “This is completely safe, Jameson.”

He widens his eyes. “That’s what Daniel said right before he went missing.”

“Who’s Daniel?”

“Blair Witch Daniel . . . ever watched it?” he mutters dryly as he looks around.

“No.” I smirk.

“Probably best you don’t.” He looks around at the forest. “Hauntingly familiar.”

I laugh as I get up. “I’m going to the bathroom.”

“What?” He stands in a rush. “Where’s that?”

“Up the trail.”

His face falls. “You can’t walk up there alone. It’s dangerous.”

“No. I’m not. You’re coming with me.”

“What?” He frowns.

“Come on, Jay.”

“No, we are not leaving the campsite. I don’t want to be walking around.”

I smile as I look down at the lake. The moonlight is dancing across the water. “All right.” I stand and take my shirt off and then slide my panties down.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going skinny-dipping.”

“What?” His eyes flick to the black water. “No . . . no you’re not. I forbid it.”

I take off my bra and throw it over his head, and he snatches it away.


I kick my panties off.

“Have you gone completely fucking crazy?” he whispers.


He looks around. “Anybody could be watching.”

I smile and run to the water’s edge. “You coming in, chicken?” I wade thigh high into the water.

“Are you fucking insane?” he cries from the water’s edge.

I splash water his way. “Get in, yellowbelly.”

He runs his hands through his hair in a complete panic. “Emily, this is not safe.”

“This is a lot safer than New York, Jay. Come on . . . live a little.”

He looks left, and then he looks right as he clenches his hands at his sides.

“Jay, come on, baby.” I smile as I lower myself into the water. “I’ll protect you.”

He closes his eyes. He wants to come in—I know he Copyright 2016 - 2024