Stolen by her Bear (Black Ridge Bears #1) - Felicity Heaton Page 0,66

When the urge to bloody her claws had grown too powerful, she had even growled and bared fangs at one of them. Rath had chuckled and apologised for her, ever the alpha, and had ushered her towards the door, telling her to go to where her heart really wanted to be.

She had watched Saint walking away from Knox, drifting away from the crowds, heading towards the edge of the illuminated area of the sloping clearing, and had realised that deep in her heart, he was where she wanted to be. She wanted to be talking to him, snuggled close to him, bathing in his rare smiles and savouring the way he looked at her from time to time.

As if she was the only female in the world.

She wanted to feel the warmth of his skin under her palms.

Wanted to kiss him again.

Needed so much more than that.

“Holly,” he husked and the slight tremble to her name gave away his nerves.

She reached up, took hold of his black shirt near the collar and tugged him down to her. He didn’t hesitate to kiss her then, captured her mouth in a searing kiss that instantly inflamed her, had her heart racing and blood heating. She moaned, couldn’t hold it back as his tongue stroked the seam of her lips and she opened for him, as he invaded her mouth and stripped away all her defences.

Saint’s answering groan sent a thrill chasing through her, had her pressing closer, desperate for more, hungry to rip another low rumbling moan from him. She liked hearing his pleasure, loved how it stoked her own. She skimmed her hands up his neck, caught his nape, and deepened the kiss, growing bolder as his lips danced against hers, as he gathered her into his arms and pinned her against him.

The fire burning up her veins sparked hotter, an inferno that turned her reservations to ashes and unleashed her, freeing her of her inhibitions as it vanquished the nerves that had been plaguing her from the moment she had revealed she was untouched.

Holly tightened her grip on his nape, pressed her short claws in and growled against his mouth, the low feral snarl startling her a little as it pealed from her lips. She trembled as Saint growled back at her, as his fingers dug into her hips and she felt the command in that wicked snarl. The urge to dominate him rose swiftly, had her kissing him harder, attempting to push him into submission.

Saint didn’t back down.

Electricity arced along her every nerve ending when he swept her up into his arms, tucking his left one beneath her backside and holding her on that side, away from his injured shoulder. She shivered as he gripped her nape with his right hand, as he seized control of the kiss.

Moaned as he started walking with her.

Her instincts fired, the most primal of them taking command, ripping control from her as she kissed and nipped at Saint’s lips. She pushed his left shoulder, used some of her strength on him, feigning an attempt to break free of his grip, to escape him. He snarled against her mouth and held her tighter, crushing her against him, and she quivered at the feel of how strong he was. That display of strength tamed the wild part of her, had her purring as she kissed him.

She tangled her fingers in his dark hair and pulled his head back, savouring his growl of displeasure as she wrenched her mouth free of his. He frowned up at her, his dark eyes mesmerising her, holding her captive as she stared down at him. Holly wriggled against him, on fire for this male, fighting the instinct to push him harder, to make him lose control too.

When they reached the treeline, she dropped her head and claimed his mouth, swallowed his groan as she kissed him, teasing his tongue with hers.

A grunt burst from her lips as her back hit the trunk of a lodgepole pine. Saint grunted too, barely maintaining his footing, and then chuckled low as he breathed against her lips.

“Maybe we should stop kissing until we get to my cabin.”

His cabin?

No. She wriggled, squirming in his arms, every instinct she possessed snarling at the thought of having to wait that long. It was too far.

She looked around them, realising that they had only just passed Ember’s cabin. She wouldn’t make it to Saint’s home. She would explode before she reached it, felt too tight with need already.

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