Stolen Heart - By Bennett, Sawyer Page 0,68

safe to say that the stone clearly had inherent magical properties, because the residents of any AltVeritas that have managed to travel among the worlds have inherent magical abilities themselves. So far, no modern science or technology in The First Dimension has been able to discover these AltVerita. Only those with magical abilities like us here in the AltVeritas of Vyronas can travel among The Veils that separate them.”

A bell rang that signified the end of class. Laina did not wait around to talk to Shelana. She gave her a wave to indicate she was leaving and left the schoolhouse.

As Laina continued to walk to the Conclave Hall, she ruminated on the concept of AltVeritas. In ancient times, they named another world that co-existed on Earth as Universitas Caecus. Somehow, in the Modern Era, it got changed to AltVeritas, which she knew roughly translated to mean Alternate Truth. Regardless, she had never given it much thought until she was forced to send someone out of the AltVeritas of Vyronas to live back in The First Dimension. That was four years ago.

Laina knew that many people with magical abilities traveled freely between the worlds. It was done with a simple, magical incantation. It was believed that when the original AltVeritas was created, the stone from Giza was used as nothing more than a way to tear open a doorway between the places of existence. Thereafter, magic allowed people travel to and fro. The doorway was often referred to as The Veil.

It was fascinating to see how different Vyronas was from The First Dimension of Earth. Like most AltVerita, Vyronas’ growth and advancement did not mimic that of The First Dimension. Because the original inhabitants of most AltVerita were those practiced in the art of magic, that was the only advancement that was considered necessary among the people who settled there.

Advancements in science, machinery, weaponry or industrialization just were not on par with that of The First Dimension. Instead, the inhabitants of most AltVerita used magic to obtain those things that they didn’t have from lack of technology. Still, magic could only do so much, and the people who settled these different worlds tended to live a more antiquated lifestyle.

In addition, the sizes of the AltVerita tended to be quite small compared to the massive population and geographical area that was The First Dimension. Whether it was lack of technological advancement, or lack of desire to push outward, most AltVerita were hardly larger than the United States as a whole, some much smaller.

Lost in her own little history flashback, Laina came to Conclave Hall fairly quickly. She entered and noticed all members were already present. In addition, she saw Carrick Dunne standing beside their meeting hall table, clearly looking unhappy to be there. He carried his 6’7” frame with ease but never for a moment would she forget what a deadly killer he could be. Even though they were fighting on the same side for now, Carrick considered her a personal enemy and she would always need to remember that.

“Thank you for coming on such short notice, Carrick.”

Carrick gave a curt nod but didn’t say anything. He hardly ever gave away anything for free, mused Laina. Carrick was Commandant of the Army for the House of Clairmont, and he spent most of his time waging their war. Carrick did not like the Conclave and with good reason. But she knew he still wanted what was best for Vyronas and so would always come when they called.

Without trying to break into the subject easily, Laina thought it best to just state why he was called.

“We have word that Empress Ralina has found Ava in The First Dimension. We fear that she may be sending some of her forces or those demons she has conjured through The Veil to capture her. You must leave at once and return Ava home.”

Laina knew this was a lot of information for anyone to process. The only subtle hint that Carrick was bothered by this news was the darkening of his blue eyes. Other than that, he did nothing more than nod, and turned to leave.

Laina knew she would get no argument from Carrick. Ava was a royal heir in hiding in The First Dimension, and all was lost if she fell into enemy hands, or worse, was killed. Laina knew that Carrick could get to Ava quickly and that he would not fail. He had more motivation than anyone to see that she remained safe. Yes, Laina had made the right decision to tell him like this. Now, she needed to get ready for the certain amount of fallout that would occur when Ava returned. Laina was so very tired of this war and hoped Ava’s return would signify an end may soon be near.

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