Stolen Heart - By Bennett, Sawyer Page 0,4

at the table with Emma in her lap, feeding her bits of bread sopped in milk and honey. Carrick was puttering at the stove, putting heaps of eggs and bacon on his plate. Kieran walked up to Carrick and took the plate from his hand, nabbing an extra piece of bacon from the pan.

“Hey! That was mine.”

“And now it’s mine.” Kieran brought his plate to the table and sat down next to Ava. He reached over and stroked his hand across Emma’s head, then turned to his breakfast. Carrick grabbed another plate and piled it with food. Sitting down across from Kieran, he didn’t start eating but watched Ava feeding Emma.

Kieran smiled. The look on Carrick’s face was priceless. Who would have thought this once gruff, surly warrior would be such a slave to love? His heart was lost to Ava and Emma. Kieran didn’t know if that made Carrick a lucky man or a lucky fool. Regardless, he was happy for his brother.

Kieran waved his hand in front of Carrick’s face to get his attention. Carrick’s stare at Ava and Emma didn’t change, although he moved his head from side to side to see around Kieran’s waving hand.

“So, when do I leave to find The Scepter and thrash the thieves that took it?”

Carrick, still gazing at Ava and Emma, replied, “What makes you think we are going to send you to get it?”

“Because if you don’t I’m going to die of boredom.”

Ava snickered. “I heard you had a date with Kayla Marsden last night. I seriously doubt you could be that bored.”

So, her name was Kayla. He’d have to remember that.

“I am more than just a gorgeous man that can lure any willing female to my bed, my dear sister-in-law.” Kieran tried to make his tone sound recriminating but it was hard. He merely had no qualms with his morals and more than enjoyed his lifestyle.

“Don’t get your panties twisted Mr. God’s-Gift-To-Women. We fully intend to have you spearhead the recovery…” Ava trailed off.


“But, we want you to work with someone to help get it,” Carrick replied for Ava.

Kieran looked over at Carrick, who was now meeting his gaze in return. “I don’t need help.”

“Do,” Carrick replied.




“But we want you to take it anyway,” Ava cut in.

“Why?” Kieran asked.

“Because it’s being held in another AltVeritas under heavy protection. You are going to need someone with special skills to help you get it.”

“Special skills? Why don’t you first tell me where it is and then let me be the judge of what I can or cannot do for you?” Kieran certainly didn’t want to work with a partner, but he definitely needed more information first before he could make that statement confidently.

Ava got up and handed Emma over to Keiran to hold. He looked down at the rest of his uneaten breakfast with desire, but then decided holding Emma was better. Ava walked over to the stove and poured herself a cup of tea that had been brewing. She turned to Kieran, leaning one hip against the counter.

“I scried the minute we found The Scepter missing. Its magical trail is still clear to me. As its creator, we have a symbiotic relationship, but that will diminish the longer The Scepter remains gone from Vyronas. I’ve been able to determine that it is resting in an AltVeritas known as Balvraine.”

“Balvraine? I’ve never heard of it.”

“I have but I don’t know much about it. I had to consult with our Conclave to learn more.”

The Conclave was a group of advisors that had descended from a magical line known as the Scrinia. For hundreds of years, each family’s Conclave advised the ruling monarch on the histories and uses of magic within the Royal family’s line.

The Clairmont Conclave was comprised of fairly new members, as it had been found out that their predecessors had been keeping the secrets of blood magic away from Ava. Years of war could have been avoided had they been truthful with their knowledge of it, but whether it was from fear or from a self-serving purpose, they refused to disclose it.

After Ava had discovered the Scrinia knew of blood magic but had not revealed it to her, she had them arrested before the war had ended. Once Ralina was defeated, she culled out those that had knowingly withheld the information and banished them from Vyronas. The current Conclave had been re-built from a pool of trusted loyalists.

“And what did the Conclave reveal?” Kieran inquired. Emma was cradled in his Copyright 2016 - 2024