Stolen Heart - By Bennett, Sawyer Page 0,24

bedroom window had a fire escape. “Annika. Take Sheila and get down the fire escape. Now.”

“What about you?” Annika whispered.

“I’ll be right behind you.”

Annika crept to the window and slid it open. It didn’t any noise but the sounds of New York City poured in. Beeping cars, sirens, music. Kieran stood by the door. He heard Monty yell again for Sheila, and he sounded pissed.

Annika got Sheila to the window and was pushing her out. He watched as she started her way down the fire escape. Annika stuck a leg through but before climbing out, looked at Kieran. “Come on. Let’s go.”

“On my way.” Kieran started walking to the window and had just reached it when the bedroom door burst open. An enormous black man stood there. Kieran could only assume it was Monty.

“What the fuck you doin’ in my house?” Monty yelled as he reached into the back waistband of his pants and pulled out a gun. “And where’s Sheila?”

Holding the gun on Kieran, Monty looked around the room then he bellowed. “Sheila! You better get in here, you bitch.”

Kieran held his hands out and to the side, so as not to look like a threat. “Sorry, dude. But Sheila’s gone. And you aren’t going to get your mangy hands on her again.”

Monty’s eyes narrowed and he turned the gun sideways as he pointed it at Kieran. Kieran supposed he thought it made him look gangster style or something. What an idiot. Didn’t he know that messed up your aim?

“You are so dead.” Kieran knew Monty was close to pulling the trigger so he fired up his magic and sent a wave of concentrated energy to the gun. It heated up fast in Monty’s hand, the metal grip flaring red.

Monty screamed in pain as his brain processed his hand just took a major third degree burn and the gun fell to the floor. Monty was now bent over at the waist, moaning and looking in bewilderment at the blisters that covered his palm. Kieran used the opportunity to drive an upper cut into the man’s jaw and he went flying backward into the wall. He watched in satisfaction as Monty slumped to the floor, unconscious.

Stifling the urge to kick the bastard in the ribs, Kieran turned toward the bedroom window. Annika was still there, watching him. “Nice work,” she said.

“Thanks,” he returned with a grin. “It wasn’t my best, but it got the job done. Now let’s go get Sheila settled into her new home.”


A knock on his hotel door pulled Kieran from his thoughts. That had to be Annika. He had been waiting for her for over an hour. He had escorted her and Sheila to Saving Grace and then left so that Annika could get her settled in. Annika promised she would meet him at his hotel as soon as she was finished.

Walking over to let her in, he found his pulse picking up. He wasn’t sure if it was because he was excited to see her, or dreaded seeing her. She was probably still pissed at him, even though his help tonight had been well received.

Swinging the door open, his breath caught briefly. She was just as beautiful as ever. Her glossy black hair was causally mussed around her delicate face. She was wearing a cream colored henley t-shirt and olive green cargo pants. Hiking boots accompanied the outfit. She was definitely dressed for travel.

“How is Sheila doing?” Kieran asked.

Annika gave a grim smile. “She’s okay. One of the staff is going to take her to an urgent care clinic to look at those injuries she had.”

Kieran shook his head. “I just don’t get it. How can a man do that to a woman?”

Annika shrugged her shoulders but looked pointedly at Kieran. “Who knows the minds of men?”

Kieran snorted. Leave it to Annika to turn the tables on him. “Well, at least she’s safe tonight and hopefully will never have to deal with that again.”

Annika nodded and walked into the living area. “Yes. And she’s very grateful to you for laying Monty out. If he would have caught her going down that fire escape, he would have shot her dead.” Annika paused and it looked like she was struggling to say her next words. “And I’m grateful too.”

Wow! An actual exchange of nice words. Miracles never cease. “Well, I was happy to help. And I also hope that you see I’m not such a bad guy.”

Annika just raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at him in skepticism Copyright 2016 - 2024