Stolen Fury - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,122

Lisa’s dismay, and Pete’s money had greased the wheels so there were no questions about the shooting. According to the doctor, the bullet had gone clean through and caused only minimal muscle damage. Shane had gotten off with a few stitches and a sling.

He’d slept a good chunk of the trip back to Florida. Now Rafe, Shane and Pete were in the living room discussing their options. Lisa had listened to their arguing as long as she could, then slipped out for some fresh air.

She couldn’t handle more male posturing. Shane was in rare form, gunshot wound and all. He’d tried to convince them to take what they had to the authorities in Miami, but was outvoted all around. He wasn’t thrilled with their plan to steal Tisiphone back, and he was adamant Lisa not be involved.

For her part, Lisa didn’t care how they got it back, only that they did. Her mind was a mass of thoughts and memories. She still couldn’t fathom the knowledge Doug was alive. All those years, he’d been alive as she’d mourned his death. Everything she’d believed for so long was a lie. How could he think she would kill their baby, that she’d cared at all about the Furies? That hurt more than anything else.

“Hey. You okay?”

Lisa glanced toward the archway leading to the living room where Hailey stood leaning against the doorjamb in shorts and a blue T-shirt. “Fine.”

“You don’t look so fine.”

She’d already had this conversation with Rafe. And Shane. She didn’t need to have it again with Hailey. “What’s going on in there?” she asked, hoping Hailey would get the hint she wasn’t interested in chatting.

Hailey pushed away from the wall. “Thought you’d want to know they’re back.”

Lisa dropped her arms. Without another word, she turned for the living room.

Billy sat at the dining room table, pointing to the blueprints Rafe had laid across the surface. “Safe’s here. Third-floor master suite. Back closet. Cameras here and here.”

“You’re sure?” Rafe asked, leaning over his brother’s shoulder for a closer look. With a pen, he marked where Billy indicated. “Looks like there’s an exterior door here.”

“Yeah. To a balcony. Had plenty of time to look around while Maria was with Swanson. Nice place.” Billy glanced up. “Tritech Securities.”

Pete’s gaze lifted from Billy, settled on Rafe. “Zack Tanner works there. Owes me a favor.” He pulled his cell from his pocket.

Maria Gotsi stood across the room wearing a fitted blazer and knee-length skirt. Dark hair cascaded around her shoulders. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she listened to the men near the table.

Pete’s gaze narrowed on Maria’s somber expression as he started to dial. “What?”

Maria dropped her arms and stepped forward. “Stone wasn’t there.”

All eyes turned her direction. Pete hesitated, then flipped his phone closed, suddenly interested in Maria’s words.

“I saw an empty hospital bed in a downstairs bedroom when the maid let us in,” she went on. “It looked like they were cleaning out the room. There was no indication a crippled man lived in that house.”

“What are you saying?” Rafe asked.

“Doug’s health has been steadily failing over the past year. Alan and I talked about it after you brought me the first Fury.”

There was a familiarity between Rafe and this woman. Lisa sensed it in Maria’s words, in the way she looked at Rafe. Ignoring it and the pang of jealousy it brought, Lisa instead focused in on Maria. “Landau knew Doug was alive?”

Rafe’s surprised gaze darted her direction as if he hadn’t heard her step into the room.

Maria looked toward her for the first time. “Yes. They’ve worked together over the years.”

“Worked together?” Lisa asked. “In what way?” When Maria didn’t answer, she added, “From what I remember, they didn’t get along.”

“Alan was Doug’s connection in the States. Do you know why he left for the Caribbean?”

“To go after the Furies,” Lisa answered plainly.

Maria shook her head. “That was only a side benefit. No, Doug was fed up with his academic posting. He wanted more—more money, more prestige. He wanted what Alan had. He never planned to come back to the States. He was going to stay in the islands, use that as his home base. He and Alan disagreed about the logistics, but together they planned to hunt for unique artifacts for the gallery.”

“What kind of artifacts?” Lisa asked with narrowed eyes.

“Originally, rare antiquities, pieces Doug couldn’t in good faith confiscate while working for his university. Things that might have been stolen or come from questionable countries, Copyright 2016 - 2024