Sterling - A Carolina Reapers Novel - Samantha Whiskey Page 0,18

said, referring to his quarterback and running back best friends. “But everything he’s shown me points to him being a stand-up guy. He’s no angel, but none of us were in our rookie days—doesn’t matter if it’s football or hockey. Just saying.”

Savannah shook her head, a smile on her lips.

“You should be good,” he continued. “And not that you need the support,” he said. “I know you have your brother watching your back. But I’ve got it too. If he does get out of hand—"

“Thanks, Hendrix,” I cut him off, not needing to hear the threat to follow. I’d heard that plenty—too much—from my brother in the past. And while it warmed my heart to know that my best friend’s fiancé cared about me enough to say that, I didn’t want to make this into a bigger deal than it was.

Because it was just a means to an end, right? He was helping me, and in truth, I was helping him. These promo spots weren’t just about our direction this season on the Reapers, but highlighting where he was in his career. Which was increasingly climbing to be one of the best goalies the NHL had ever seen. That had to be the real reason behind his sudden bargain, but it was great to hear that Hendrix vouched for him nonetheless.

Savannah scooped up the phone, returning the call to private, and I waved to her as a silent goodbye. I did not need to be here for that conversation, having heard more than enough beforehand.

Though, as I drove back to my apartment, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have that kind of relationship. I’d had sex all of one time, and it was nothing to write home about, let alone have an intense, detailed conversation over the phone about. I mean, how would it feel to want someone so bad that they couldn’t wait to get home to you? So badly they had to start it up on the phone because they simply couldn’t stand to be without you?

A flush raked over my skin as I thought about Sterling and the way he’d haunted my thoughts since that night. How I’d been restless in my big, empty bed, tossing beneath my sheets with his dark blue eyes flashing in my head and his smell lingering in my nose.

We’d barely spent more than an hour of real time together, and I couldn’t stop.

What would happen when I saw him outside the arena? In close quarters nonetheless?

My heart raced at the thought, and the logical side of my brain told me to check myself. I was a professional—much like Maxim had said—and I had a job to do. This was the only way I could do my job, so therefore, I had to do it.

It had nothing to do with the way Sterling made me feel inside—like that passion I’d always stated as overrated could be real with the right person.

But thinking like that was dangerous, and I wasn’t one to walk that line.

No matter how fun it might sound.



The best part of being a highly visible, professional athlete? I got special admission to Seven Wonders, Charleston’s brand new amusement park that had only opened a month before.

“How does this thing work?” London asked, glancing down at the lanyard around her neck that held a hard, plastic pass.

“That’s your quick pass!” Our bubbly attendant told us as we stood at the shaded VIP entrance. The blonde shot me a coy look as London flipped the little pass over. “It means when you find something you want to ride, you can skip the line.” She arched an eyebrow with meaning.

Some other year, I might have been tempted. It wasn’t in my nature to turn a good thing down, but my dick wasn’t interested, and neither was the rest of me.

“You walk right up to the front and tell them you’d like to get on.” She trailed a finger across her collarbone.

Damn, she wasn’t even being subtle about it.

London looked up and caught on quick, clearing her throat and moving a step closer so her shoulder brushed against my elbow. She was in sneakers, and I’d been right. She didn’t even reach my collarbone without her heels, and I wasn’t even thinking about the little scrap of white fabric she deigned to call shorts. They barely covered her ass. I knew because I’d looked.

A lot.

“Is there anything else I can…offer you?” The attendant smiled.

“I think we’ve got it. Thanks.” Copyright 2016 - 2024