Lola and the Boy Next Door(48)

“Max,” I say.

He smiles at me. “Hey.”

Andy looks as surprised as I feel. He’s clueless about what to do next. I throw my arms around Max. He hugs me back tightly but pulls away after only a moment. “Wanted to make sure you’re surviving,” he whispers.

I squeeze his hand and don’t let go. I had no idea how much I needed to see him again, to know everything is okay between us. I’m not sure why I thought things would be different, other than last night felt different. He’s apologizing to my father. I know it must be killing him to do this. He states his words calmly and briefly.

“Thank you for saying that, Max.” Andy hesitates, despising what he knows has to come next. “Won’t you stay for dinner?”

“Thank you. I’d love to.”

Max knew my parents would be out to get him, and he’s called them on it by showing up tonight. He’s so smart.

“So you’re the boyfriend.”

Max, Andy, and I grow rigid as Norah leans against the door frame between our living room and the kitchen. Even though Nathan is several years older than his sister, Norah looks at least a decade older. In their childhood, she shared the same round face as Nathan and me, but time and substance abuse have left her frail and worn. Her skin hangs as loose as her straggled hair. At least she’s had a shower.

“Max. Meet Norah,” I say.

He nods at her. She stares back, her expression dead.

“You have a lot of nerve showing up here.”

Everyone freezes again at the sound of Nathan’s voice. Still holding hands, Max and I turn around. My father sets down his briefcase beside the front door. The muscles in Max’s hand twitch, but he keeps his speech devoid of the emotion I know he feels. “I came to apologize. It was irresponsible for me to take Lola away last night. She was upset, and I wanted to help her. It was the wrong way.”

“Damn straight it was the wrong way.”


“Nathan,” Andy says quickly. “Let’s talk in the office.”

The wait is unbearable before Nathan removes his glare from Max and follows Andy. The office door shuts. I’m sweating. I let go of Max’s hand and realize my own is shaking. “The worst is over,” he says.

“I’m grounded for a month.”

He pauses. “Shit.”

There’s a rude snort in the kitchen doorway, and I’m about to completely lose it.

“I’m sorry.” Now Max does sound pissed off. “I didn’t realize this conversation was any of your business.”

Norah gives a cruel smile. “You’re right. What would I know about a teenage girl running away and getting into trouble with her boyfriend?”

“I didn’t run away,” I protest as Max says, “You’re out of line.”

She strolls into the kitchen and out of sight. “Am I?” she calls out.

I want to die. “I’m so sorry. For all of this.”

“Don’t apologize.” He’s harsh. “I’m not here for them. I’m here for you.”

The office door bangs open, and Nathan marches straight upstairs to their bedroom without looking at us. Andy gives a tense, fake smile. “Dinner in ten minutes.”

Nathan has changed out of his work clothes. He’s trying, but barely. I didn’t know it was possible to pass a dish of vegetarian lasagna with such hostility. “So. Max. How was the show in L.A.? We didn’t realize you’d be back so soon.”

Could this get any worse?

“It was in Santa Monica, and it went well. We’ve booked two more shows there.”