Isla and the Happily Ever After(35)

“Me, too.”

Last night we cheated on the rules. Nate was out for Nuit Blanche so Kurt decided to stay in. Which worked out perfectly, because it meant that I got to rehash every detail of every second of my date. Until I was told to shut up.

His eyes widen. “Half of your nose is purple.”

I scramble out of bed and lunge towards the mirror. Damn. I gently prod my nose, wince at the tenderness, and sigh. “At least it’s proof that yesterday really happened?”

But Kurt is already thinking about today. “I have a history essay due tomorrow, and you need to study for that calculus test. Do you want to work here or in my room?” And then he grins. His room is disgusting, and I refuse to hang out in it. Tidiness – in his bedroom, in his school bag, in his appearance – is never on Kurt’s agenda.

I lean in closer to my reflection. “I don’t know. Josh and I didn’t make plans, but it seemed kinda understood that we’d hang out.”

Kurt clambers off my bed and puts on his hoodie. “That sucks.”

“You suck.”

“I’m about to bring you breakfast. I’m so far from sucking that you can’t even handle it.” And he slams my door shut behind him. I wait for it to pop open, but – for once – it doesn’t. He kicks it back open. We laugh.

“Back in ten,” he says.

Every Sunday, we have fresh baguettes from the boulangerie two streets over. I remove a jar of Nutella, a knife, and two antique jade mugs from their designated drawer and turn on the electric kettle. A heaping spoonful of instant coffee mix – Kurt’s favourite, unpalatable American brand – is added to each cup. And then I return to the mirror. My nose resembles a small eggplant. Even with a thick layer of concealer, the proof of our date will last for at least a week.

Kurt returns as the kettle dings. Our routine is meticulously orchestrated. He’s pouring the water into our mugs when there are two knocks, low on my door. The sound gives me an instant jolt. A hit stronger than caffeine. But Kurt looks at me in confusion as if to say, I’m already here?

“I could let myself in,” Josh says, in cheerful spirits. “But I won’t, because that’d be rude. Also, you might be getting dressed, and that’d be—”

“She’s dressed,” Kurt says. “Come in.”

I yank open the door before Josh gets the wrong idea.

“Hey,” he says. There’s an uneasy pause. “So I guess you’ve stopped propping this open?”

I actually, literally smack my forehead. “We forgot! I can’t believe we forgot.”

Kurt slides over my physics textbook with his foot, and I shove it underneath the door. “Nate was out last night,” he says, “so I stayed over.”

Josh enters the room, but his arms are crossed. Unsure. “You slept here?”

“Yes,” Kurt says.

I smile grimly. “Not to be a cliché? But it’s really not what it sounds like.”

Josh uncrosses his arms. “No, I know.” He shakes his head and starts to cross them again, but he catches himself. His hands move to his pockets. “I should’ve called. I thought you might want to get some breakfast. Lunch. Whatever it is. I’ll come back—”

“No!” I say. “Join us. We have bread and terrible coffee. Yeah? Huh, huh?”

“You do make it sound tempting.”

My smile softens. “Come on. Stay.”

Josh returns the smile, at last. “Fine. But only because I feel sorry for you. Clearly an angry gang member punched you in the face last night.”

“It’s astounding what one chin can do.”

Kurt studies us from the bed as if he’d chanced upon a pair of wild beasts in their natural habitat.

Josh’s expression falls. “I’m sorry. Does it hurt?”

“Stop apologizing.” My smile widens as I drop a spoonful of powdered coffee into the Oktoberfest stein. “I only have two mugs. Sorry.”