Stay With Me (She's With Me #2) - Jessica Cunsolo Page 0,20

off when Aiden surprises me by hugging me tightly to him, and I melt into his embrace.

“It’s okay. I understand why you did what you did. You’re so strong, Thea,” he says, and his deep voice fills me with relief. “I’m sorry you had to go through all of that.”

Aiden has single-handedly pushed off the giant weight resting on my chest. It feels so good to finally tell someone what I’ve been through—for someone to truly see me, the real me. To know that someone is here for me, unconditionally. Not because they have to be, but because they want to be. Because they choose to be.

Aiden lightly rubs my back, not even getting mad that I’m ruining his shirt with my tears. He moves slightly back so that he can see me, and moves his hand to gently force me to look up at him.

“None of it is your fault, Thea. You did not kill Sabrina. You did not kill or even hurt any of those people.” He emphasizes each word, as if to really make me understand. “You do not deserve any of this, okay? You don’t deserve to constantly run from Tony or to torture yourself with memories of your past, or to be so scared and plagued with nightmares that you have to take fucking sleeping pills to get some rest. You’re a good person, Thea. Stop thinking that you are personally responsible for all the shitty things happening around you.”

I just told him about my damaged past, about all the lies I’ve been telling, about all the people who were hurt because of me, and he’s telling me that I’m a good person? He’s not mad or repulsed by me. He’s looking at me like I’m the bravest and strongest person he’s ever met. I act without thinking; I can’t help myself.

I draw my arms around Aiden’s neck and bring my lips to his, pulling him in close to me. He’s taken off guard but recovers quickly, kissing me back with an intensity and passion that rivals the hottest flame, the brightest star.

His hands tighten on my waist and like last time, he quickly lifts me so that I’m straddling him on the couch, my knees on either side of his body. His arms wrap tighter around me, pulling me close, deepening the kiss as fireworks erupt in my stomach.

It feels like everything I’d been through—all the times I’d had to move, all my brushes with death, and all those terrified, sleepless nights—have been worth it for this. For Aiden. He pulls back suddenly, cutting the kiss much shorter than I would like it to be.

“Wait,” Aiden says, guilt and horror written all over his face. “The first day we met, the day you ran into me in the hallway and I dropped you onto the floor in front of your class. Your ribs were injured because you’d just been in a fight with Tony—you’d just been pushed down the stairs.”

He’s talking more to himself than to me, but I answer him anyway. “Well, technically, yes, but I told you I didn’t blame you—”

“What the fuck is wrong with me? I am the shittiest person ever. I felt awful before when I found out about your ribs, but now that I know why. Fuck, Thea, I’m sor—”

“Aiden!” I cut him off. “If I didn’t already have healing ribs and you did that, nothing would have even happened. If you did that to me now I wouldn’t be hurt. I’d probably be pissed and thinking of a way to get you back, but I wouldn’t be hurt. You didn’t know.”

His thumb gently strokes my cheek as he looks right through to my soul. “I’d never hurt you,” he says softly. “And I’m sorry for the times I have, even if they were unintentional.”

His words have a deeper meaning, and I know he’s not just referring to my ribs.

My heart stutters at his honest words, at this guy who’s being so open and vulnerable with me when to the rest of the world he keeps an impassive, tough, and confident façade. I remember how he always softens when he’s looking at me. I pull myself back into him, burying my face in his neck and instantly realizing how good he smells. His arms tighten around me, making me feel like there has never been any place I need to be other than right here, in Aiden’s strong arms. After Aiden’s reaction to my past and his comforting Copyright 2016 - 2024