Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,80

pawing him.

Later that night, everyone was getting ready to go out to eat, but I didn’t want to go. I wanted to spend some alone time with Hunter. After talking to Hailey for a while, I decided I was finally going to tell him how I felt; I had to see if he had any feelings for me. I couldn’t keep torturing myself like this.

I told my mom that I was going to stay home because I had an upset stomach. Hunter, always so quick to look out for me, told her he would stay home and would make sure I was okay. He did exactly as I thought he would do.

After everyone had left, I went upstairs into my room. I was lying on my bed when Hunter walked in, carrying a glass of ginger ale and some crackers.

“You should try to eat and drink this.” He walked around my bed and put the stuff on the nightstand next to my bed.

“There’s nothing wrong with me. I just didn’t feel like going.” I patted the bed next to me for him to come and sit. He didn’t come over at first. He just stared at me, contemplating what he should do.

“It’s probably not a good idea that I’m in here with you.” Hunter said this as he sat down.

“Probably not, but no one is here.” I sat up so my body was facing him, my knee touching his hip. He had a peevish look on his face. I reached over and slightly pushed his shoulder back to angle his body towards mine. I drifted closer to him, like a moth drawn to light and planted my lips on his.

When our lips melted together, I swear fireworks were going off somewhere in the distance. Hunter reached up with his left hand, and put it behind my neck, bringing me a little closer to him. He moved his right hand to my hip and started to lay me back on the bed. He hovered over the top half of my body. Then suddenly, it was as if someone pulled him off me. He was up pacing the room and raking his hand through his hair.

Shocked by the sudden change, I asked, “What’s the matter?”

He stopped pacing and had a sorrowful look on his face. He started pacing again, and then he finally said, “That shouldn’t have happened.”

“Hunter, you’ve known I’ve had feelings for you all these years. Why is it such a big deal?”

“You’re brothers would freak the fuck out. Don’t you remember how they acted the last time we kissed?” He made it sound as if that should answer all my questions.

I got up off the bed, straightened my shirt and walked in front of him, causing him to look at me. “Well, they’ll just have to get over it.” I took a deep breath—here goes nothing. “I want you, Hunter.”

His eyes went wide, “What! Fuck!” He was shaking his head back and forth. “No, this isn’t happening. You can’t. You fucking can’t. You deserve someone better than me.”

The seduction was not going as planned.

“I have to go.” He announced and then, he was gone. When he walked away from me that day, a piece of my heart went with him. At least now, I had my answer even if it crushed me.

After that night in my room, Hunter acted as if it never happened. He was back to flirting with me but made sure we were never alone together. I was still hurt with the way things went down, but I guess I had to take what I could get from him.

When Hailey, Jaylinn and I went back to school that year, I started dating Dominic, whom I have known since kindergarten. Dominic was the exact opposite of Hunter; he was exactly what I needed, a distraction. He was shorter than Hunter, with a thin frame, shaggy blonde hair and honey brown eyes. He was always sweet, caring, and lovable, everything I wanted in a boyfriend. Dominic was the quarterback on our football team at school. All the girls wanted him, but he only had eyes for me.

When my brothers and Hunter came home for Thanksgiving weekend, they met Dominic since I had invited him for dinner. Dominic stood up to my brothers when they threatened him about dating me. Dominic never backed down from their threats though, as most guys would have.

Hunter hated Dominic. Anytime he saw us together, he would glare at Dominic and leave the room. When Dominic was not around, Hunter would flirt like crazy with me. I loved those times, but all Hunter would give me was just flirting. That is why I chose to stay with Dominic.

First of all, I have to thank my husband. Late last year, I decided I wanted to quit my job and become a full time writer. I was nervous because I had been with my job for eleven years. He stood behind my decision and I can’t thank him enough for being there for me.

Second of all, my son is owed a huge thank you. Every day I wake up and you do something that amazes me. I love you unconditionally.

Elaine, what would I do without you? Thank you for being there to listen to me rant and rave about things, to bounce ideas off and you never judge me. It’s an honor to call you a true friend.

Jen Bradley and Danita Bunce, I don’t think I’d be able to function without your daily help. It’s hard to find people you can trust these days who will have your back and always support your work and always be willing to help me out when I need it. I seriously love you girls, thank you for everything!

Heather Davenport, my go to girl, I’m so glad our friendship has grown to what it is now. We can talk to each other about anything and everything and we keep it real. Thank you for all your promotional support as well; I couldn’t do that part without you.

Marissa Carmel, thank you for coming with me to the photo shoot and helping me pick the photo to use because I couldn’t make up my damn mind!!!

Tyler Gattuso, thank you for the perfect shoot. It was a pleasure to work with you.

Larry Hamilton, thank you for capturing the perfect picture of Tyler. It was a pleasure to work with you.

Jennifer Wolfel, thank you for all your help and suggestions with this book! You’re always there for me when I need you and that’s hard to find these days.

Brandy Raub, Kimberly Cote, Meghan Anderson, Jolene Obrien and Allie Worthington, thank you all for being great beta readers! You’re honest and opinions didn’t go unheard!!

Michelle Kemper, I can’t thank you enough for the help with my blurb.

Natalie Catalano with Love Between The Sheets, thank you for helping me with my release blitz!

To the girls in my street team, remember on November 4, 2014, I asked you a question and said would you listen to your heart or your head? Well, you’ve got your outcome. I went with the heart. I sat here for a few hours talking with a few friends and knew I had to go with it. Once you get that flutter in your stomach you can’t let it go. I know at the time you girls had no idea what I was talking about that night but it was the death scene with Layla. I probably should have listened to my head, huh? Thank you girls for all you help with promotions!!!

To all the bloggers that have and will help me with this book THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!

And last, but never least, THANK YOU to all my readers! I wouldn’t be where I am without you.

USA TODAY bestselling author Megan Smith is a New Jersey native who creates the memorable characters her fans have grown to adore.

Smith is a wife and mother, who makes time for her family, professional life and the creation of the characters. Fans of The Love Series - Trying Not To Love You, Easy To Love You, Hard To Love You, Let Me Love You, A Christmas To Love You - are captivated by relationships, special bonds and family ties pervasive in Smith's emotional, energized and engaging work.

Trying Not To Love You (Book 1, The Love Series)

Easy To Love You (Book 2, The Love Series)

Hard To Love You (Book 3, The Love Series)

Let Me Love You (Book 4, The Love Series)

A Christmas To Love You, (Book 4.5, The Love Series)

Finding Us (Book 1, Finding Series)

Finding Ours (Book 2, Finding Series) Copyright 2016 - 2024