Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,55

booth that sits in the back and the table is hidden.

We take a seat at the round table. Jaylinn sits next to Cooper who is sitting next to me and then Fallon is between me and Eli. Cooper’s eyes keep going between me and Eli. Jaylinn notices and elbows Cooper.

He shakes his head. “So, what kind of pizza are we getting?”

“Cheese!” Fallon shouts.

“Cheese, it is.” Cooper says with a smile.

The waitress comes over to take our order. Eli excuses himself to use the bathroom and Cooper goes with him.

“What’s his problem?” I ask Jaylinn once they boys are out of ear shot.

“I have to go to the bathroom.” Fallon tugs on my sleeve before Jaylinn can answer. I stand and pull Fallon’s chair out. We make our way over towards the bathrooms but I stop short when I hear Cooper and Eli talking.

“What’s going on with you and Layla? I see the way you’re looking at her.” Cooper says. Fallon tugs on my hand and I put a finger up to my mouth to keep her quiet. “You’re keeping it in your pants, right man?”

My breath catches. Does he not want us together? Why does he care?

“Yeah, you have nothing to worry about.” Eli tells him.

“Good. I don’t want any trouble with Jaylinn and I if you guys start messing around. Not to mention it would make work really uncomfortable since we are all friends.”

“You’ve got nothing to worry about.” Eli says with a touch of attitude but I don’t think Cooper catches it.

I lead Fallon off to the bathroom and pass the boys with a fake smile. I know Cooper can be a bit of an ass sometimes but why does he care if Eli and I are messing around? I think we’re mature enough not to let it affect our friendship and work situation.

The rest of dinner I’m pretty quiet and only speak when spoken too. So much for having a fun day out at the ball park.

Later that night when I’m lying in bed after asking Eli to stay with me again I tell him I heard his conversation with Cooper.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know what to say.” Eli says rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

I’m hurt and a little upset but I understand why he did it now that I’ve thought about it for a while. Cooper has enough on his plate and my relationship with his business partner doesn’t need to be another.

“I didn’t want to tell him we are in a relationship and have you get mad that I told him, you know?”

“Yeah I understand now. I guess earlier it just took me by surprise.”

“Uh-huh.” Eli says burying his face into my neck. “If you want me to tell him to mind his fucking business I will. I’m not afraid to speak up and say something. Honestly, I’m shocked Jaylinn hasn’t said anything.”

“Yeah, me too. I guess she doesn’t want him worried about things here while he’s on the road.”

We settle into a comfortable silence, Eli’s hand slowly rubbing up and down my arm as we are both lost to our own thoughts.

Eli’s breathing evens out and I’m sure he’s fallen asleep.

I guess I should just be thankful for everything I have now and not let Cooper get to me. I’m finally saving money, paying Eli for rent every month, my new position as a manager is going great, and I’ve got my new classes all lined up for this fall.

Not much more in my life could come together any better.


It’s the beginning of fall. The leaves on the trees are starting to change color, the nights are cooler, and the days are growing shorter. Business is slowing down as all the college kids are back in school and the family vacations are over. Seaside’s population has been cut in half along with half of our staff. We don’t need a full crew to run the shifts now as we’ll be down to just using the downstairs bar, and only open Thursday to Sunday.

Layla has class today and I agreed to take Fallon to school. Layla made sure she was up, dressed, and her hair done because Lord knows I can’t do it. All I need to worry about is breakfast and driving her to school.

Layla was worried that the school would find out that Fallon is no longer living in Brick and that their mom is still missing. Thankfully, there have been no problems.

“Fallon, what do you want to eat?” I Copyright 2016 - 2024