Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,46

phone for the tenth time in a half hour. I keep tapping out a text to Jaylinn and then deleting it. She’s going to hate me for keeping all of this from her. I just hope she doesn’t hate me that much where she’ll turn away when I’m stepping out on a limb.

It’s Friday morning, doom’s day. I still haven’t paid Jax his rent money and I know he’ll be taking a ride up to the court house to start the eviction. He’s an asshole like that otherwise I’d go and explain my situation to him.

I’ve got twenty dollars left from the one little stash in an old shoe that mom never found. Fallon and I need food but we have nothing to use except the microwave to cook. The gas company shut us off since we were so far behind. I’m really surprised we even have electric at this point because we owe them hundreds, too. The only reason my cell hasn’t been shut off is because Brian pays for it.

I pick up the phone once more and actually send a text to Jaylinn.

Me 12:06pm: Can you talk?

Jaylinn 12:07pm: Yup, give me a few.

About ten minutes go by before Jaylinn calls. I almost don’t answer out of fear of losing her. “Hey.”

“I’m glad to see you’re still alive. I was getting worried.” She doesn’t sound pissed she just sounds worried and I instantly feel like an asshole. “How are you feeling?”

I sigh loudly. “Can you come over?”

She doesn’t answer right away but I hear her start up her car. “Sure. I can stop over in about a half hour.”

“Okay.” I take a deep breath. “Please don’t hate me. Just give me a chance to explain everything before you tell me to take a hike.”

“I’d never do that. Well, unless of course you tell me you having feelings for Cooper.” She kids around lightening the mood.

I laugh, really laugh, and it feels good. “He’s all yours. So you remember that bar I told you I used to work at?”

“Kind of, Joe’s or something like that?”

“Jax’s,” I go on to give Jaylinn instructions to the bar and tell her I’ll meet her in the parking lot. I don’t want to explain anything on the phone with her. I need to show her, I need to finally let someone see the real me on my own terms.

Right on time Jaylinn pulls into the parking lot. She parks in an empty space, turns the car off, climbs out and looks all around.

When her eyes land on me I can see the concern in her eyes. “Is it safe to be here?”

I look around the parking lot. Broken glass scattered all over the parking lot, boxes upon boxes fill a corner in the back and a broken window which I just happen to know is the men’s bathroom.

I shrug because honestly it’s probably not the safest but this is all I know. I tilt my head towards my apartment door. “You want to come in?”

She’s hesitant at first but nods and follows behind me. We make our way upstairs and into the living room. Jaylinn looks around, the same way Eli did, but then she gives me a small smile and takes a seat.

“You live here?”

I shake my head. “Yup,” I blow out a breath. “I’m sorry I lied to you about where I lived.” My eyes start to water and my heart is racing. “I’m sorry about never opening up and telling you anything about me. God, this is so messed up.” I say as I wipe away a tear.

Jaylinn scoots closer and puts a hand on my arm comforting me. “I should have told you about this a long time ago but I didn’t want you to judge me. I didn’t want you to pity me.”

“Layla, I would never.”

“So let me start from the beginning…” I explain to Jaylinn everything I explained to Eli as well. By the time I’m done I’m shaking, sweating, crying and barely breathing. Jaylinn being the best friend that she is, is crying right alongside of me.

“I’ve got twenty dollars to grab us food for a few days, barely any way to cook it and soon we’ll be living out on the streets if I don’t ask for help.” I nod a few times biting my bottom lip. “Here I am asking for help.”

Jaylinn who is still holding on to my arm pulls me in for a hug and we cry for another few minutes before we Copyright 2016 - 2024