Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,41


“Do you know where your mom is now?”

Layla shakes her head.

How could their mother let them live like this? How can she just leave her daughters behind to fend for themselves? She has them living above a bar for fuck’s sake. That is no place to raise girls.

I need to do something to help her. I can’t allow her to live like this and I sure as fuck am not sitting back and watching Brian put his hands on her anymore. He may think he has the upper hand because he’s been paying her bills but no more. That ship has sailed.

“Layla,” she sits up and rubs her eyes with the backs of her hands. “Come home with me, you and Fallon. I have plenty of room.” I take a deep breath. “I was actually thinking about getting a roommate anyway. That place is too big for me.” I lie.

Layla’s face turns bright red and I can see her working her jaw.

“Don’t worry about the money right now. We can figure it out later once we get you and Fallon situated.”

Layla stands, takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. “I’m not a fucking charity case, Eli!” She yells. “Aw, poor Layla got dealt a shit hand in life and now she needs someone to fix her right up.”

“It’s—” she cuts me off.

“I can handle this on my own.” She laughs bitterly. “I’ve been doing it my whole fucking life. Go find another girl to play house with you, Eli. Whatever you thought was happening between us was nothing. It never was and never will be.” She walks over to the door and holds it open. “Get out.”

I sit stunned by her outburst.

“Now, Eli!” She screams.

I jump up from my chair and walk to the door. I stop before her but she won’t even look at me. “You’re not a charity case and never would be to me.”

I step past her and I hear her breath hitch but it doesn’t stop me. I walk out of her apartment; I can’t believe she’d actually think I’d treat her like that. I know she is hurting but I thought we were a little past the friends stage in our relationship. That’s what I get for guessing.

By the time I get to the bottom of the stairs I’m fuming all over again. I jump in my car and head right back to Fierce for a drink. I need something to clear my fucking head of everything that just happened over the last two hours.

I’ve been sitting at the bar upstairs since I got back hours ago. I’m long past being drunk, everything is numb. The rejection of Layla is a distant thought.

“Hey, handsome.”

In the corner of my eye I see a blonde sit down in the empty chair next to mine. Her lips are stained a cherry red and her skin is milky white. I turn my head and take the rest of her in. She’s pretty enough, skinny, long legs, a tattoo covering half of her right arm and nice tits. I felt her eyes on me from across the bar all night and I was wondering how long it was going to take her to come over here. I don’t chase girls, never have and I’m not about to start now. Well, except one and she doesn’t fucking want me or my help. This girl is no different than the others though. She stalked me like I was her prey but she couldn’t be more wrong. I’ll have her bent over my desk before the end of the night.

I lift my chin acknowledging her. I’m not in the mood for small talk tonight. I’m frustrated, pissed off and in no mood for this flirting game that this girl has plans for.

“Ah, one of those days, huh?” She probes.

I look away before shaking my head and grabbing my beer.

“My name is Amy,” she says while placing a hand on my thigh and giving it a little squeeze. Don’t these girls realize that they’re worth more than picking up some guy at a bar? “You’re Eli, right? You own this place?”

I have to give her credit. She’s been doing her homework on me. “Part owner.” I correct her.

She inches her hand closer up towards my dick. It jumps knowing it’s going to be getting some action shortly. I turn my head away towards the direction that Layla should be in. She’s the one I want but can’t have. I know she’s with Copyright 2016 - 2024