Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,32

a deer caught in headlights right now.

“I’ll pick you up at seven. Wear something nice.”

And then he’s gone leaving me speechless and utterly breathless.

What the hell just happened?


“Who was that?” Erin asks nodding to where Layla is still leaning against the wall.

“A friend.” I offer, since that’s all we are, all we can be, for now anyway. I’ve gotten a taste of her from just that simple kiss. I want more and I’m stopping at nothing until I get it.

I never thought I’d be the guy who would go after a girl who has a boyfriend. It’s not my thing, I wouldn’t want that to happen to me, but damn it to hell if I’m going after her.

Erin, Sophia and I finish our shopping date in the Disney store where Sophia picked out a bunch of different things. Erin bitched and complained that I was spoiling her.

“I don’t care.” I say throwing another princess t-shirt on the pile. “She’s my niece and I can spoil her rotten if I want.”

“You wait until you have your own kids one day, Eli.” She says smiling. “I’m going to do the same thing to them.”

Kids. I never thought about having my own. I don’t even know where to start with raising one but I do know one thing, if and when I ever do have kids, I will always be a part of their lives. I won’t be my dad, the dad who pays his kids off to keep them out of his hair.

After dropping Erin and Sophia off at their house I make it back in time for a quick shower before I’m running out the door again to pick up Layla. I honestly don’t even know if she’s going to be there, she didn’t exactly say yes but I didn’t give her a chance either.

I decide just to take her to Olive Garden, I figure it’s safe. It’s just dinner, nothing fancy like a real date, just friends going to dinner.

Pulling up in front of her house I leave the car running while I jog up to the front door. Just before I’m about the knock, the door swings open.

“Hey,” Layla says pushing the door open to step outside.

She’s dressed in dark skinny jeans, the same nude color heels from the other night, a black shirt and a jean jacket. She kept it casual not surprising me at all. Her blonde hair is loosely curled framing her face. Layla also kept her make-up simple which I love. I hate the girls who try too hard and look flashy and overdone.

“I wasn’t sure you were going to come…or maybe I knew you were going to come.” I insinuate with a grin knowing the affect I had on her at the mall. Her mouth drops open looking at me while I’m smirking holding the passenger side door open for her. I see it the moment it happens, flustered response aside, her sass returns.

“Well, you didn’t exactly give me a choice.” She retorts.

I laugh shutting the door and walking around to the driver’s side sliding in. Layla reaches over herself, grabs the seatbelt and I do the same. “So where are we going?”

I shrug. “I thought Olive Garden was a good choice unless you have somewhere else in mind.”

Shaking her head she replies, “Nope, that’s good.”

I get back on the highway heading towards where I live when Layla asks, “Where are you going?”

“Olive Garden.”

“But it’s the other way.”

I flick the turn signal on and get over into the other lane. “I thought we’d go to the one by my house, figured you wouldn’t want Brian to see us together.”

Her head snaps in my direction. “This isn’t a date, Eli. It’s dinner and then you are going to drop me back off.”

“Just dinner.” I agree but deep down we both know it’s a little more than that.

We arrive at the restaurant and are seated right away. When the waiter asks what we want to drink I order us wine and Layla also asks for a glass of water.

When he walks away she taps her fingers on the menu. I glance up and catch her staring at me. “What?”

“What did you tell your girlfriend you were doing tonight?”

I chuckle and set down my menu. “I told you I didn’t have one.”

She’s glaring now and if looks could kill I’d be dead. “Eli, cut the shit. I saw you with her and your daughter, too.”

Laughter bubbles over. “I can assure you I don’t have any kids. That Copyright 2016 - 2024