Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,26

“Great.” I say, shaking my head in disbelief. “Can you give me just a second?”

A smile graces her face. “Of course.” She says then walks back into the house.

Opening Eli’s car door I stick my head in, “Thank you for the…” I clear my throat. “ride.” I shake my head. That sounded dirty.

Eli bites back a smile. “You’re welcome. I’ll see you later.”

When he pulls away I head into Mrs. Stein’s house to grab Fallon and get her home. She has school in the morning and should already be in bed fast asleep.

Fallon sadly trudges over to me. “I’m sorry, squirt.”

She shrugs her shoulders then slips an arm into her jacket.

“Thank you, Mrs. Stein. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble keeping her.”

She waves her hand dismissively. “Nonsense.”

Fallon walks to the door without saying anything and steps out onto the porch. I wait for the door to shut before asking Mrs. Stein, “Any idea where she went?”

“She wouldn’t tell me anything. She waited for me to come to the door then left before I even had it opened.”

I hate my mother.

“Well, thanks again for keeping Fallon for me.”

“You’re welcome.”

I open the door stepping out. “Layla?”

I turn around. “Yeah?”

“If you need anything I’m always here for you girls, you know that, right?”

I smile at her kindness. “I do, thank you.”

I’d never impose on her or anyone for that matter. Hopefully in just a few more months I might be able to get Fallon and me out from underneath my mother. It’s the only choice I have if I want to become successful in life and give Fallon the life she deserves. And it’s sad knowing that I’m more of a parent to her than our own mother is.

Fallon walks with her head down and doesn’t say a word on the walk home. When we near Jax’s we can hear the music blasting. A few people are standing out front and a guy is leaning up against a telephone pole smoking a cigarette when we walk by. We turn the corner and some guy has a girl pinned up against the side of the building. Fallon squeaks and hurries along while I mutter under my breath to get a room.

The door leading upstairs to our apartment was left cracked open. “Christ.”

I reach for Fallon stepping in front of her so I can go in first in case someone is in the room. I flick the lights on waiting a second before stepping in. I don’t hear anything so I push open the door wider for Fallon to slip in past me. I lock the door and set the deadbolt before taking the steps two at a time. Fallon sits on the couch, legs crossed, rocking back and forth. It’s a tell-tale sign that mom must have went off the deep end before hauling Fallon out so late. It’s not the first time this has happened and it won’t be the last.

I stroll into the kitchen; it’s a mess, drawers opened, and a cup of coffee spilled on the table and dripping on the floor. I leave Fallon to her rocking while I go and change into shorts and a t-shirt. I turn to walk down the hall and notice the door to the closet is open. No one ever goes in there except me because it only holds my stuff.

“Fuck,” I say rushing to the door hoping and praying mom didn’t touch the top shelf.

Every single thing in the closet is sitting in a pile on the floor. The sweatshirt that was hiding the money for the rent and electric bill lies on the floor. I lean down picking it up knowing damn well the money is gone.

“Shit,” I fall to the floor. “No, no, no! She did not do this to me!” I scream as the angry tears spring to my eyes.

I throw the shirt into the closet, kicking the door shut, but it bounces back open with all my stuff in the way. This can’t be happening, that was all the money I had. How the hell am I going to pay for the bills now? They’re due tomorrow, I was spending the morning paying everyone we owe money to and now I’m fucked.

Fallon crawls over and lays her head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Layla.”

I pull her onto my lap hugging her close. “Squirt, you didn’t do anything wrong, mommy did.” I squeeze my little sister. “We’ll fix it all tomorrow, okay?”

I try to push all the anger aside, Copyright 2016 - 2024