Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,24

I’m assuming you didn’t eat?”

She shakes her head. “No, I’ll grab something at home when I get back.”

“Would you…uh,” I feel nervous. It’s just dinner, jackass. “Would you want to go grab something with me?”

She shakes her head immediately. That stings more than I care to admit. “No,” it comes out a little sharp. “Sorry, no that’s okay. Thanks for offering though.”

“I won’t tell Brian if you don’t.” I say playfully trying to keep the conversation light.

She laughs and plays with the end of her dress. “I’m not worried about Brian, he’s probably still in New York for all I know.”

“Then let me take you to dinner, my treat.”

Layla glances over and bobs her head. “Alright, but on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You let me pay you back tomorrow since I don’t have any money on me.”

I hold my hand out to her. “Deal.” I lie. I’m not taking her money. I’ve got plenty and can easily afford it.

We make our way over to my car. “So what’s a good Bar and Grill around here?”

“Hmm…Brickhouse just down the road is a good place.”

I open the passenger side door for her after unlocking it. “Sounds good.”

I try so damn hard not to look down at her legs while she climbs in but I can’t help it. The male chromosome isn’t wired that way. I’m dying to run my hands all over them. Layla clears her throat. Fuck, caught.

She smirks, “We going?”

I look up shaking my head. “We’re going.” Get it together, Eli.

When we arrive it’s packed, she wasn’t kidding when she said it was a good place. Everyone else seems to think so, too. We take a seat at the bar which Layla doesn’t seem to have a problem with.

We have a few drinks, after a little persuasion, and order some food. She tried to put up a fight about it but finally caved in. I order her another one and order myself a glass of water. I can’t drink anymore or I won’t be able to drive her, or me, home.

I reach over and push her hair back over her shoulder. “So what are you studying at school?”

She blushes as my hand lingers a little too long on her shoulder. “Business Management.”



“So you want to take my job over one day?”

She laughs. “Yeah, one day.”

That gives me an idea I’ll have to talk to Cooper about. We could slowly train Layla to be a manager when either Cooper or I can’t be there. She’d be trusted and someone we both know.

“I’ll see what I can do.” I wink at her.

Her eyes seem to widen just a bit when the ten o’clock news comes on. Layla curses under her breath, “Shit.”

“What’s the matter?”

She reaches behind her for her jacket. “I’ve got to get going. I promised—” Layla stops mid-sentence.

“You promised what? Brian blew you off remember?” I say a little irritated that she’s even worried about him after flaking on their date.

She stares at me for a moment, a battle raging inside of her. She slides off the stool taking a step closer to me she says softly. “It’s not about Brian, Eli.” It’s a promise but she’s also not telling what she promised who.

All I can do is take it for what it is. At least I know it’s not about Brian, right? “Alright, let’s get you home.”

“Oh no, my house isn’t far from here. I can walk.” She insists.

I toss more than enough money down on the bar to cover our tab before reaching for my coat. “I’ll take you.”

She wants to argue but she doesn’t, not with the look I’m giving her. I place a hand on the middle of Layla’s back causing her to flinch away before she relaxes. I usher her out to my car leaving my hand on her back the entire time.

She wasn’t kidding when she said it wasn’t far. It was a block and a half away. I pull up in front of the house putting the car in park.

I rest my head back against the seat as one of my favorite songs from Sam Hunt filters through the speakers in my car.

“I love this song.” Layla comments turning it up just a little.

She doesn’t seem in a hurry to get back inside and I like that more than I care to admit. It’s like she doesn’t want the night to end just yet.

“You know he’s coming to Philly soon, right?”

She shakes her head.

“You should come with me and my sister. I promised I’d take Copyright 2016 - 2024