Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,22

she picks up a book and flips through the pages.

I quickly wash my hair, body and shave my legs. When I get out Fallon is still lying on her bed reading, or trying to anyway. “Alright, you ready?”

Tossing the book on the bed she jumps off and walks back into the bathroom with me where we get to work on blow-drying my hair. She holds it as I use the brush to blow it out straight. Once I’m happy with my hair, we start on my makeup.

“Here.” I stay handing her my lip gloss.

Fallon grabs it and brings it to my lips. Thankfully it’s clear because the second she hits my lips she zig-zags and by the time she’s done it’s everywhere. I take it from her when she’s done and toss it back in my bag.

“Thanks, squirt.”

She smiles happily as I apply a little eye shadow and mascara. The dollar store around the corner sells makeup, it’s cheap but it does the job.

“How do I look?”

She leans up against the sink and rests her chin on her palm. “Beautiful.”

Winking at her, I head back to our room where I get dressed. Considering I got this dress at the Goodwill a few years ago it’s really holding up. It’s a lacy, long sleeve dress that hangs just above my knees. The nude color heels I’m wearing are the ones that Brian got me for Christmas.

It’s a cool March evening so I need to wear a jacket and I’ve only got one so it’ll have to do. I’ll just take it off before we walk into the restaurant. I grab my purse and kiss Fallon on the head.

“See you later.”

“Bye, Layla.” She says sadly.

I don’t look back because if I do I’ll stay here or bring her with me and I can’t do either of those.

The walk to Graziano’s is slow going because of these heels but I make it there with a few minutes to spare. I wait outside for Brian. People are coming and going as I stand to the side and wait. I dig around in my purse for my cell phone to see what time it is.

It’s six-twenty. He’s never late. I dial his number to make sure everything is okay. It rings and rings before his voicemail picks up. I haven’t heard from him since Friday night. I wait a few minutes and try again, still no answer.

Hmm, where the hell is he. I decide to go in and see if he’s already here and maybe I missed his car in the parking lot.

There is a girl dressed in all black tapping a pen against her lips. “Excuse me,” she glances up to me, “Can you tell me if my boyfriend Brian Hopkins is here?”

“Sure, one second.” She runs her finger down the list of guests. “You said Brian Hopkins?”

“Yeah, we were supposed to meet at six.”

Shaking her head she glances at the list again. “I’m sorry I’m not seeing that name here at all.”

What the hell? “Okay, thank you. I must have heard him wrong then.”

She smiles, I turn to leave. When I step back outside I try to call him again and now it goes to his voicemail.

“Son of a bitch.” I mumble as I start walking back towards home.

A phone call would have been really nice if something came up.

On the way back home I make a detour and stop at Riverfront Park. I pass a few people walking down the pier, they smile at me and I return it. There is a couple sitting on one of the benches and a guy is leaning up against the railing staring out over the water.

I take a seat on one of the empty benches to rest my aching feet. I wrap my thin jacket around me a little tighter as the breeze picks up. The couple gets up and walks away. I dig around in my purse again for my phone trying to call Brian again.

It rings and rings and voicemail picks up again. “Damn it.” I mutter tossing my phone back in my purse.


My head swings in the direction of my name.


“Hey,” I look around, why I don’t know; because when I got here he was alone looking out over the water. “Are you waiting for someone?”

He looks sad but quickly covers it up. “No.” He shakes his head. “Just came down here to clear my head.”

I can’t believe he’s here. The weird thing is he doesn’t live around here either. He lives Copyright 2016 - 2024