Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,20

to be here as much as I want them here.

“Jack and Coke?” I ask Brian.


“You guys drinking?”

Johnny, the taller one, answers, “Yeah same as he’s having.” Jack, the shorter one, just shakes his head.

I make their drinks and then Brian tries to pay for them but I shake my head and he puts his money back in his pocket. If I allowed him to pay it’s one more thing he’ll have to hang over my head. I’ll take some money from my tips to make up for it. It’s easier this way.

I fill a few more orders and look over to Brian to make sure he doesn’t need another. He’s glaring hard in Eli’s direction. I do my best to ignore them and find things to keep myself busy as last call is made.

Most of the customers have left except Brian, his friends, and one other couple who are cuddled up in a corner. Eli makes his way over to them and then is ushering them out shortly after.

He looks to me after shutting the door. I give him a tight-lipped smile as he comes over to where Brian is. I hear one of the guys clear their throat as he approaches.

“Brian,” Eli says confidently. Jaylinn must have told him who he is because I’ve never mentioned his name.

Brian greets him with a head nod. This is so uncomfortable and I just want the floor to fall out from underneath me. Brian hates Eli because he shows interest an interest in me. It’s stupid and I feel like I’m about to be pissed on just so the territory lines are crystal fucking clear.

“Layla,” Jaylinn calls thankfully pulling me away from them before I hear any more of their conversation.

“I could kiss you right now.” I tell her when I lean up against the bar as far as I can.

She giggles. “I felt that awkwardness too and I’m all the way over here so I can only imagine how you felt.” She takes a sip of her water that I got her a little while ago. “You know he’s got it bad for you.”

I shake my head. “I would hope so, Jay, he’s my boyfriend.”

Jaylinn rolls her eyes. “Don’t play stupid with me, Layla.”

“What are you talking about?” I’ve got no idea.

She takes another sip before trying to stand. “You must live under a rock.”

I scuff. “Like you?” It was harsh but she’s been living under one, too. Her and Cooper aren’t together anymore and she claims she’s fine with it but yet she gains all this attention from other guys at school and ignores it. She totally plays it off but she has to know that guys notice her.

She glares at me. “Just like me. The ones we want and should be with for some reason aren’t the ones we’re with.”

I shake my head. “What?” I feel like I missed an entire piece of the conversation.

Jaylinn, unsteady on her feet, squints her eyes at me. “I should be with Cooper but I’m not. You should be with Eli but you’re not.”

She’s drunk. She would never talk about this otherwise. I’m not even about to get into this conversation with her while both Eli and Brian are only a few feet away. “How are you getting home?”

Eli comes up behind me startling me. “I’m taking her.”

I turn just enough so I can see him. “You sure? I can drive her car home and Brian can follow me.”

“I’ve got her.” Eli glances over his shoulder towards Brian. “I’ve got it covered tonight so you don’t need to stay late. Let’s figure out the tips and you can get out of here.”

“Eli, I can stay.” I throw a smile towards Brian who’s staring at Eli hard. “He’ll just have to wait, it’s no big deal.” I don’t want to give Eli any reason at all to fire me. I need this job.

Smiling that perfect smile, he says, “I’ve got it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

And that is that. The tips are figured out quickly between me and the other bartenders. Before I know it I’m giving Jaylinn a hug goodbye and I promise to call tomorrow before work.

Brian throws his heavy arm over my shoulder and gives a curt nod to Eli.

“Goodnight, Eli. See you tomorrow.” I say on my way out.

He doesn’t even spare me a glance. “See you tomorrow.”

Brian and I walk over to his Dodge Charger with Dumb and Dumber trailing behind us. “I’ll catch up with you guys later after Copyright 2016 - 2024