Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,13

to play mom. But it’s a start towards our independence.

Jaylinn is staring off into space, watching something only she apparently can see.

“You’ve been in a funk since opening night at Fierce.” I complain. She has, even though it was her that said she was ready to move on.

“I know,” she sighs. “I have been.”

“You need a little fun in your life.”

I’ve been trying to tell her she needs to go out on a date, to have a little fun. A few guys walk by and I point at one. “He’s cute.”

“Clearly we have different taste,” Jaylinn starts to say, “because…”

A guy dressed in black sneakers, tan cargo shorts and a black t-shirt that clings to his upper body walks by. He’s the opposite of the guy I just pointed out. He’s muscular, tall, and carries himself with confidence.

I start laughing. “Well, now we know what type of guy you’re into.”

The guy takes a seat on a bench just a little way down and I want to call out to him but Jaylinn glares at me. “Shut up.”

I start laughing and then it quickly fades away as I spot Brian walking in our direction. He makes me nervous when he comes around when I’m with Jaylinn. I’m afraid she’s going to see how he really is with me.

Brian crouches down. “You have a ride home?” and before I can answer he kisses me on the lips.

I catch Jaylinn rolling her eyes before looking away. “Shithead here is taking me to work but could you pick me up?” I ask.

Brian leans in for another kiss and I ball my hands into fists because I hate when he kisses me. I hate him but I still need him. I had to borrow a little bit of money to pay the gas bill so they would stop calling and harassing me about payment. I’d let the gas get turned off if we didn’t need it to cook.

Brian adjusts his book bag on his shoulder not even sparing Jaylinn a glance. “Yeah, I’ll see you tonight.”


The second Brian leaves the relief floods me.

“Why do you do that?” Jaylinn asks annoyed.

I shrug, avoiding her question because I can’t explain to her the power Brian has over me right now. I know she sees the difference in me when he’s around.

Taking out the container of carrot sticks from my purse I take a bite of one.

Jaylinn rolls her eyes. “You never answered me.” She slides her sunglasses down her nose. “Why?” Because if you knew the real reason you would probably beat me over the head and tell me to leave that fucking asshole in the dust.

I just shrug again.

“Ugh,” Jaylinn pushes her sunglasses back up and grabs her Kindle out of her purse.

After eating a few carrot sticks I clear my throat and ask, “So, what are your plans for tonight?”

“Oh, now you want to talk?” She’s irritated with me and rightfully so. “I’ve got to go over to Chloe’s and help get a few things ready for Hailey’s baby shower.”

I take a bite of another carrot. I’m choking these things down like they are chocolate because it’s all we had in the fridge. I spot Ryan, a guy who is interested in Jaylinn, across the courtyard and he’s heading in our direction. He’s been trying to get her to go out with him for a few weeks now and I think she should do it just once.

She must have caught sight of him because she quickly tosses her Kindle in her purse and gathers her books.

“Hurry up.” Jaylinn urges me, trying to dodge Ryan.

I giggle. “You know you should just go out on a date with him and make it painfully boring and then maybe he’ll just leave you alone.”

“Hey, Jay,” Ryan says in a low husky voice that comes out more like a growl.

She tries to play off that she wasn’t about ready to run away from him. “Oh, hey Ryan, Layla and I are on our way out. She’s going to be late for work.”

I laugh. I can’t help it. Jaylinn glares me.

“Oh, yeah, where do you work at, Layla?”

I smile at Ryan. Poor guy doesn’t realize he’s being blown off. “That new c---”

Jaylinn cuts me off. “That new bistro down off College Drive.” She looks over at me begging me with her eyes to play along.

“Yeah,” Ryan reaches up and scratches at the scruff around his face. “I heard it was pretty nice.”

Jaylinn looks to me and then to Ryan and I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024