Stay For Me - Megan Smith Page 0,10

“Yeah.” Jaylinn glances to the guy next to her before looking over to Layla. Does she know who he is? Does Layla?

Layla is trying her hardest not to look at me; she’s more engrossed in her customers than she needs to be.

“I’ll be in my office working on a few things. Let me know before you leave.”

Jaylinn agrees. “I will.”

I hesitate and look back before heading to my office. Something seems off.

Back in my office I sit and kick my feet up on my desk just needing a minute of peace and quiet. The club is off to a good start, I hope it continues this way and before we know it we’ll be opening up another a few towns over. My father would be proud if he ever cared to check in every once in a while but he’s off on another adventure. Or at least that’s what he tells us. Who the hell knows with him? He’s flaky at best and never reliable for shit. He’s missed so many holidays and birthdays that we don’t even expect him anymore. I think the part that really pushed me over the line was when he missed my niece being born. Erin and Sophia should have come before anything else.

After a while I make my way back upstairs where Cooper is to make sure he’s alright. It’s nearing closing and the DJ has started playing a few slower songs. Paired together, Hunter and MacKenzie and Jackson and Chloe are dancing closely in their own worlds, oblivious to everyone around them.

I grab a beer from Jackie and have a seat next to Cooper and Mason. They are bullshitting about the upcoming season. It’s a nice change from earlier. A few minutes later Mason stands from the chair he was sitting on and yawns. “I’m getting out of here.”

Cooper stands and pulls his brother in for a hug. “Thanks for coming, bro. Tell Hailey I’ll stop by tomorrow to say bye before we leave.”

Mason nods and glances between Cooper and I. “Will do, great job on the place by the way.”

“Thanks.” We say in unison.

I watch as Mason walks over to his family and tells them goodbye. Cooper sits back down and starts pulling the label off of Mason’s beer bottle that he left behind.

A familiar hand slides onto my shoulder…apparently she isn’t finished with her curveball. “Want to dance, handsome?”

I wait for Cooper to look up but he never does. He continues to peel the label off the bottle. Shaking my head, I stand and lead Jaylinn to the dance floor.

I place my hands high on her hips as she wraps her arms around me. “You know he’s just as miserable as you are right?”

“I know.” She says defeated. “All I can do is keep my head held high, you know?”

The corner of my lip pulls up. “It’s the best thing you can do. This, whatever it is, will wash over sooner or later.”

Jaylinn looks over my shoulder in Cooper’s direction. We’re only a few steps away now when Cooper chuckles at his brother and sister-in-law.

“God, I’ve missed that sound.”

Jaylinn looks at me like she can’t believe she just said that out loud. I look over at Cooper who is looking at us. Now is the time.

“Can you take over? I’ve got to go check on things downstairs.” I’m throwing his earlier words back at him. I’m not giving him an option to say no, this is me telling him that he needs this as much as she does.

Cooper stands and I swear everyone holds their breath for just a second before he takes her hand and leads her back on the dance floor. Not wanting to make this anymore awkward for anyone else I slip back downstairs to check on everything and start to help close down as the last call was made just a few minutes ago.

I swear it feels like seconds later when Jaylinn runs down the stairs towards Layla. I’m within hearing distance. “Can I have my purse, please?”

Layla reaches under the bar and hands Jaylinn her purse before I can make it to the other side of the bar where she’s running out of the door. “Shit.” I mutter under my breath.

“Where did she go?” Hunter asks coming down the stairs seconds later.

“She left.”

“Goddamn it,” he says chasing after his sister.

Layla comes up next to me. “I’d hate to be in either of their shoes.”


I really would hate to be in their shoes. Is this what it’s Copyright 2016 - 2024