Stay and Fight - Madeline ffitch Page 0,40

kid had round glasses and brown skin and curly hair that floated around his head, like only a few of the other kids at school did, like what the Mean Aunt said about Mike at the gas station, He is an oppressed minority, and Mama K said, Why don’t you say that to his face? and Mama L said, Love sees no color, and the Mean Aunt and Mama K laughed meanly at her. But what I really noticed about this kid is that he wore red rubber rain boots even though it was definitely not raining and this kid collected acorns.

I watched him skirt the perimeter of the playground. He walked beneath the oak trees at the edge of the wood chips and he picked up a few acorns at a time and he put them in a pouch he made by tying the front of his T-shirt in a knot. No one else looked at him they just barreled past him screaming and throwing the kickball onto the roof of the school. No one else looked at him but I looked at him and then I followed him.

He took his acorns around the corner of the school building, behind the blue dumpster where there was an oak tree whose roots were tearing up the pavement. He checked to see if anyone was watching, so I hid behind the dumpster and he knelt down by the tree and then I saw that he had dug out under one of the roots and untied his T-shirt so that the acorns fell into the cave he had made there and he must have had hundreds stored away. I wanted to help him so bad so I sent to him with my mind like an elf or like a wolf but he didn’t hear me so I stepped out from behind the dumpster and I said, We could do that together I am pretty good at collecting acorns I actually do it pretty much all the time with my Mean Aunt, but he said, Back off I have all the help I need, which was weird because he didn’t have any help he was doing it all by himself. Which I told him and I said the Mean Aunt is toxic at acorns and I am toxic at acorns. Actually I’m part wolf. He said, Back off faggot bastard.

I backed off. But my motto was excellence. I stayed resolute and steadfast and I played a game with myself where I was his wolf acorn guard. I stood against the chain-link fence and made sure that no other faggot bastards tried to help him. And none did.

* * *

At home, when they asked me, I just said it was good. It’s an adjustment period, but it’s good, I said. Mama K said, Oh really, they just have you sit there in a chair all day, getting all atrophied, and getting diabetes and becoming unskilled and saying the Pledge of Allegiance like a little robot and they make you call them sir, and Mama L said, Piglet, if you don’t like it you don’t have to do it, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, Mama K can be your teacher or you can come to the hardware and salvage store with me and I can be your teacher or Helen can be your teacher, and the Mean Aunt said, I don’t want to be his teacher, it’s good for him to be at school it will help socialize him, and Mama K said, Oh, like how it helped socialize you? All those teachers care about is obedience, and I was like, No way, I love my teacher and I love the principal and I am making a lot of friends my own age. Which made them all shut up probably because they didn’t have friends their own age and they were jealous. School is the best, I said. I love school.

What I loved was not having every single person know every single thing. What I loved was keeping a few things for myself. My home was the Holt the forest grove where the elves lived where Mama K was a treeshaper like Redlance except with a knife, and no one at school knew what happened there. No one at school, not the teacher or the principal or mowed head Bexley or even the acorn kid, no one knew I could send to the elves with my mind and no Copyright 2016 - 2024