Stars Over Alaska (Wild River #4) - Jennifer Snow Page 0,98

her usual fans. Gone was the girl next door look she’d sported here in Alaska, replaced with a glamorous Hollywood persona. Next to her stood what he assumed was her management team while several LA officers kept the crowd back and under control.

“It’s been a scary few weeks,” she was saying, “but I’m just happy to be back in LA, knowing that the bad guy is behind bars.”

The bad guy. Eoghan. The guy Leslie had been casually dating. He knew she’d be beating herself up over that right now, blaming herself for allowing Eoghan to get to Selena through her. Once again she’d feel validated in keeping people at a distance.

Keeping him at a distance. She hadn’t called or texted to let him know they were settled, and resisting the urge to reach out to her was nearly impossible. He didn’t need answers about them... He just wanted to hear her voice. Selena was safe, her nightmare was over, but he was still worried about Leslie. She’d push through this the way she always did by shutting down, putting walls up and pushing everyone away.

“We know it’s been tough on her fans, but we needed to do what was in her best interest, to keep her safe,” her PR rep said, speaking next.

Bullshit. Leslie had made that call all on her own and now she’d be the one owning up to that decision, her future on the line. She deserved praise for her actions, but unfortunately, Levi knew the agency was going to want to make a clean break, distance themselves from this mess, and that would include letting Leslie go.

Next, to his surprise, Leslie appeared on the camera, her right eye still swollen and bruised. Levi’s fists curled and anger raged through his body. That son of a bitch. If he could have five minutes alone with the guy...

He stood and moved closer to the television as though it could somehow bring him closer to Leslie and studied her expression as the interviewer questioned her.

“So, the Executive Protection Agency had no idea that one of their employees was the suspect?” the female reporter asked, turning the microphone toward Leslie.

“No. Eoghan Hartright’s background checks came back clear of any indication that he could be a threat to any of the company’s clients.” Her voice was confident, clear and sure, and her demeanor was professional and calm, but he knew she had to be fighting turmoil within. The agency hadn’t taken her concerns seriously enough. They hadn’t listened to her and now she’d be the scapegoat. “The company’s emphasis on safety is the number one priority.” No doubt she’d been coached to make sure the agency’s reputation was protected and while he admired the hell out of her for her show of respect, this was bullshit.

“Were you authorized or advised to take Ms. Hudson away from LA?” the reporter asked.

Leslie hesitated. “No, that was my decision. It was impulsive and could have ended badly. I take full responsibility for my actions.”

They were the right actions. From what he’d learned about the case from Selena and Leslie, she’d had no other choice. Her decision to leave LA had ultimately saved Selena’s life. And then Selena’s quick thinking had saved hers.

What if something had happened to her? His blood chilled in his veins at the very thought. For so long, he’d kept his feelings to himself. Then that week everything had changed. He didn’t know what would happen next, but he knew he wasn’t ready to just let her go again. If this experience had taught him anything, it was that life was too short to have regrets or let doubt—or guilt—prevent him from living his life the way he most wanted to.

With her in it.

But how could he help her reach the same realization?

Turning off the television, he left the station and climbed into his truck.

Walking into Flippin’ Pages a few hours later, Levi’s heart was even heavier. His grandmother’s call saying she’d been able to restore the photo should have been good news, but the events of the last few days only made it harder.

He’d been looking forward to surprising Leslie with the photo, but now she had so much else going on, so much to deal with... Would she even care?

“Hey, Levi, how are you?” Ellie asked, touching his arm gently.

Everyone in town knew by now about the situation and how he’d helped the women by letting them hide out at the station.

“I’m okay... Just here to see Grandma,” he Copyright 2016 - 2024