Stars Over Alaska (Wild River #4) - Jennifer Snow Page 0,90

grab Selena and get the hell out of there. But she also needed to know all the details and think with a clear head this time, so she lowered herself down into the plush chair near the woodstove. “What’s going on?”

“There have been more letters, messages... Actual death threats now. Her management team are freaking out,” Eoghan said, taking one of her hands in his.

She tensed at the touch. Now wasn’t the time to call off their casual relationship, but she added it to the list of messes she needed to deal with once Selena was safe. Death threats. Things had escalated even more. Whoever the stalker was wasn’t messing around anymore. And they might know where they were.

She had to get to Selena. She stood quickly. “We should leave. Right away.” Hiding out was one thing, but if the guy actually found them, it was better on home turf, with more security detail. Being on the road was safer.

Eoghan nodded. “Yeah, I agree. Let’s get your car and head back to LA. We can drive back together. That way, we’re on the road for the next few days and whether the guy is in LA or Alaska, he won’t be able to get to her. And if he does travel here, we may have a better case to prove it’s the right guy.”

Leslie was nodding. That all made sense. “Yes, okay.”

Eoghan touched her hand again. “Don’t worry. It’s okay. I’m here. We’ll get Selena back where she belongs...safely.”

She did feel slightly better with backup. Unfortunately, Eoghan’s affectionate touch and concerned, caring expression made her uneasy. Would he have come all this way to help if it had been another agent? Or were his feelings for her motivating this? Damn. She really couldn’t deal with this right now. “Okay. Thank you,” she said.

“Where is she anyway?” He glanced around the shop.

“Eating at the diner. I had to charge my phone,” she said, turning to unplug it.

Eoghan stepped closer. “Let it keep charging for a few extra minutes. I’ll take care of getting your car. Go get Selena and I’ll meet you both outside in five minutes.”

Leslie checked the battery life—still only at thirty percent. She nodded. “Okay. Meet you outside.”

Entering the old fifties-style diner seconds later, Leslie ignored some familiar faces and a few waves in her direction. She didn’t have time for reunions right now. She ignored the rumble of her stomach at the smell of frying bacon and fresh apple pie as she looked for Selena and spotted her in the corner, at a table near the window, sipping an espresso. Leslie hurried over to her. “Hey... We need to go,” she said.

Selena frowned. “My breakfast hasn’t even arrived yet.”

“We will have to grab something on the road,” she said.

The actress must have heard the note of urgency in her voice because for the first time she moved fast, without argument. She stood and drained the contents of the cup. “I have to pay,” she said, heading toward the counter with the cash Leslie had given her.

“Hurry,” Leslie said, scanning the restaurant, in full paranoia mode. She could strangle Selena for posting pics online. Hadn’t she been clear that this was serious? She’d put her career and her own safety on the line and the star couldn’t follow one simple rule.

“Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” Selena asked, rejoining her a moment later.

Leslie sighed. “The man they arrested was released. He’s not the stalker.”

“ shouldn’t we stay in Wild River?” She stopped walking.

“That would be a great idea except the stalker might know where you are. Wild River isn’t a safe option for us anymore,” Leslie said, her annoyance causing her voice to rise.

Diners at nearby tables turned to look their way and she led Selena out of the restaurant. “There were pictures of you on Instagram.”

Selena’s eyes widened. “How?”

Leslie resisted the urge to scream. “Because somehow—and not entirely surprisingly—you posted them.”

“No, I didn’t.”

Was she seriously going to lie about this right now? “I saw them.”

“Leslie, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Damn, if she didn’t sound sincere, but Leslie had seen the photos herself. “Look, the damage is done. We just need to leave.”

“Is he here? The stalker?” Selena looked genuinely worried as she scanned the quiet street. It was just after ten and stores were opening for the day, but there were few people around.

“I don’t know. But Eoghan is here and if he could figure out where we are based on Copyright 2016 - 2024