Stars Over Alaska (Wild River #4) - Jennifer Snow Page 0,16

was probably freaking out about having to stand up there in front of half a dozen people. Little crowd, big crowd, didn’t matter—he got stage fright something fierce. She walked toward him and heard him mutter something undecipherable under his breath.

“Hey, you okay?” she asked.

He wiped the back of his hand across his lips. “Yeah...great. We ready?”

“No. Dawson’s not here yet. Can you call him? I left my cell at the B and B.”

“Sure... I’m sure he’s just stuck in traffic or something,” he said.

She raised an eyebrow. “Or maybe he’s getting cold feet.” She was joking, but her chest tightened, thinking about that very real possibility.

* * *

LEVI STEPPED OUTSIDE the courthouse and dialed Dawson’s cell. The fresh air helped his nauseated state, but now his annoyance was growing.

“Hey, Levi. Can I call you back?” Dawson answered.

“No. You’re supposed to be at the courthouse right now. For your wedding,” Levi said. Unbelievable. Classic Dawson.

“Yeah, I know. I’m just running a little late.”

He was in his vehicle. Levi could tell he was on speakerphone. “Where are you?” Please let the man be on his way.

“Answering a call.”

Damn it. “You’re off duty.”

“We’re never off duty. You know that. Look, it’s just a break-and-enter call. I’m the closest unit. I can’t ignore it. I’ll be there soon.”

Normally, he’d agree with the greater-good-comes-first code that his best friend lived by, but not in this case, not when it meant disappointing Leslie. “Dude, it’s your wedding day. The ceremony was supposed to start five minutes ago. Let someone else take this one.”

“I already responded,” Dawson said.

“Dawson.” He couldn’t remember ever being so pissed at his friend. This was selfish and unnecessary. Hurting Leslie like this wasn’t cool. “Don’t be a dick and get your ass to the courthouse.”

“Gotta go, Levi. Take care of my girl until I see her again.”

The line went dead and Levi swore under his breath. How was he supposed to go in there and tell Leslie that Dawson was going to be late for his own wedding? Or that he may not be making it at all? And did he tell her the truth and worry her or say he was running late?

Damn his friend for putting him in this position. As soon as he showed up and said his vows, Levi was going to kick his ass.

* * *

STILL NO WORD from Dawson as the clock ran out on their assigned timeslot. Leslie was trying to appear unfazed, but she wasn’t fooling Levi. She hugged her grandmother on the courthouse steps and forced a laugh as she said, “A rescheduled wedding date to be announced...thanks for coming out and sorry about this. I’m sure the call must have been important.”

Her grandmother nodded, kissing her head. “You’re beautiful. Give him hell for me when you see him.”

Because Leslie wouldn’t give him hell on her own. She’d let Dawson off the hook like she always did.

His cell phone rang in his pocket and he prepared his own earful as he reached for it. But his blood ran cold seeing the state troopers’ office number lighting up the call display instead. “Hello?” Had he said the word out loud? He barely heard it.

“Is Leslie with you?” Captain Clarkson said. No pleasantries...

“Yeah, she’s here.” His hand shook violently as he handed his cell phone to her. Her expression immediately turned to fear as she listened and his heart pounded in his chest.

“What? What...? I mean...where is he?” Her voice was strained. “He’’s not possible. He was coming here...we were supposed to get married.”

Were. Past tense. It didn’t escape anyone’s notice.

Her grandmother immediately moved in closer, supporting Leslie’s weight as she looked pale and about to faint.

Levi’s chest was about to explode as he watched all the color drain from her cheeks. Her eyes teared up and her lips trembled violently.

He caught the phone as she dropped it, then moved fast to catch her as her knees gave way. He didn’t have to ask. He knew.

Dawson was gone.

Shock passed quickly and anger was the first emotion he felt. Damn his best friend for answering that call on his wedding day. Damn him for always putting the job first. And damn him for breaking all of their hearts.

Leslie felt limp in his arms as they both lowered to the courthouse steps. He held her while tears soaked his dress shirt and her body trembled.

He didn’t even know what was happening around them. Levi knew he had only one job in that moment. Sit there, hold Copyright 2016 - 2024