Stars Over Alaska (Wild River #4) - Jennifer Snow Page 0,116

the list.

Darrel Lovejoy wasn’t there. Maddie’s match.

“Um... I just have to make a quick call,” he said. Cassie had dropped off the last of the group a few moments ago but she hadn’t said anything about the missing guy. He walked farther away and dialed her cell.

“Hey, Mike, everything okay?” she asked.

“Darrel Lovejoy isn’t here... Maddie Frazier’s match.”

“Shit. I knew I forgot to tell you something. He canceled last minute...”

“So, do you want to come back for Maddie?” He hated that he had to call Cassie with a problem only two hours in, but he could hardly be blamed for this.

“Not really,” she said. “I have another tour scheduled... Unless, of course, she wants to leave.”

“I don’t know. I haven’t told her yet,” he said, dreading the conversation. No doubt she’d cause a scene and demand her money back.

“Well, there’s still a possibility that she’ll connect with someone at the speed dating thing, so maybe try to convince her to stay and in the meantime, just make sure she has fun?”

Damn it. He clenched his teeth. “Yeah. Of course.”

Disconnecting the call, he returned to the group. “ I pair you all up, meet your partner at your sled, load your gear inside the wooden box and you can head over to your shared hut. Get settled, get to know one another and I’ll be around to make sure everyone’s comfortable and has everything they need.”

The group nodded, eager to get started.

Mike called all the names and everyone looked pleased as they headed off toward their huts. Except for Maddie, who was left standing there alone. He approached with caution. “Unfortunately, it looks like your match couldn’t make it.”

Disappointment clouded her face momentarily before she hid it. “Oh, well, should I leave?”

He shook his head. “There’s still the speed dating round tonight. Cassie suggested you stay and see if you find a connection there... But it’s up to you.”

She nodded and shrugged. “I guess a solo cabin retreat doesn’t sound all that terrible.”

It would in a minute.

He cleared his throat. “Actually, our release form requires two people in a hut for participants’ I guess you’re stuck with me.” He’d been looking forward to a hut all of his own for two days with forecasted perfect winter fishing conditions but that had been shot to hell.

“Like a fill-in match?”

Her horrified expression at the prospect would be reason enough to say no, if that was the situation. “No. I’ll just be filling the vacancy from a safety perspective.”

“Oh really? I’m safer with you?” she huffed.

Just let it go...

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Maddie shrugged but it was anything but a casual gesture. She obviously had a lot to say. “Just that you’re not exactly the most...attentive.”

“According to your sister?” Jade’s idea of attention bordered more on doting. He couldn’t even check his cell phone while out with her or she thought he was being rude or ignoring her. Constant talking was the only way to convince her he’d been engaged in their conversations and her frequent texting and calls when they weren’t together had been borderline stalking... It had been exhausting.

“Are you telling me she’s wrong?” Maddie asked.

Mike sighed and fought the urge to set her straight. “It doesn’t matter.” He picked up the handle of the wood sled box containing their gear and headed toward their fishing hut.

What mattered was making sure everyone survived, most had a good time and he proved to Cassie that he could handle anything the great outdoors threw at him.

Even Maddie Frazier.

* * *


Not only did she miss out on an opportunity to connect with a like-minded outdoor enthusiast, but now she was trapped in a six-by-ten hut with her sister’s ex for forty-eight hours.

Only her own stubbornness prevented her from leaving.

That and the fact that she really wanted to ice fish. Who knew when she’d get another opportunity to use her favorite fishing pole in such comfortable surroundings.

She could ignore Mike—and those startlingly blue eyes—for two days. She’d never noticed how light they were. The shade of blue was almost crystal clear, yet they held a deep intensity.

Following him toward their hut, she cast a glance toward the other “couples” making their way across the ice. They all looked to be getting along already. SnowTrek had really done their research to pair everyone with their ideal mate.

Mike stood at the door, holding it open for her as she approached.

Entering, she momentarily forgot her frustration as she took in her accommodations.

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